Call for papers

The deadline for submission of abstracts is extended until the 10th of February. If accepted, participants could choose between presenting in Graz, or remotely (e.g. via Skype). For environmental reasons, we encourage participants to avoid flying and choose between surface travel or remote presentation. Technical guidelines for remote presentation will be provided. By explicitly addressing the conference theme “embodiment in music”, each submission must bring together and combine (aspects of) the following two broad areas:

1) Humanities, e.g., Musicology, Philosophy, Linguistics, Phonetics and Phonology, Ethnology and Anthropology, Semiotics, Hermeneutics, Theology, Performance studies, Music theory, Composition, Archeology, Cultural studies, Literary studies, and Music history.

2) Sciences, e.g., Acoustics, Neurolinguistics, Neuromusicology, Biomusicology, Biology, Computing, Mathematics, Perception, Psychoacoustics, Empirical psychology and sociology, Statistics and computer science, Medicine, Music therapy, and Cognitive science.

Topics include (but are not limited to):

  • The role of action for musical meaning
  • Music analysis, historical musicology, and musical subjectivity. Where is the body?
  • The links between creativity, emotion, culture, and embodiment
  • Religion, rituals, and joint music-making
  • Perception of musical sounds as embodied
  • Dance and the phenomenology of music-related movements
  • The body-mind problem in musical consciousness
  • Embodiment in music philosophy and ethnomusicology
  • Evo-devo debates and the embodied mind
  • Implications for music technology and compositional practices
  • Embodied cognition and the foundations of musical learning

Abstracts should begin with a title and names and affiliations of the author(s). The main text should be structured with the following five headings:

  • Background in X (first discipline, e.g., “Anthropology”)
  • Background in Y (second discipline, e.g., “Instrumental performance”)
  • Aims (this should be the shortest section)
  • Main contribution (this should be the longest section)
  • Implications for musicological interdisciplinarity
  • References

The total length of each submission, including title, authors, headings and references, must not exceed 1000 words. Please do submit your proposals to (subject: abstract CIM19). Abstract submission deadline: 1st February 2019, extended until the 10th of February. Registration will be open from May 2019.