Stages Joueurs à l'International

Our player training sessions are based on a method we have been developing for over 20 years.

Reflection on the petanque gesture must be holistic and specific, progressive and evolving.

It should cater to the widest possible audience and be customizable.

It should enable each competitor to better understand and analyze their own technique in game actions, whether in shooting or pointing, and to make tactical decisions suited to the game situations.

The ultimate goal is to reach and maintain the highest level.

For information about organizing your training session, contact +33(0)680425288.

                     Tokyo - CIEP Japon 2002

Stage Ukraine et Kasakhstan

Stage Indonésie

Stage Prague 2024

Stage Prague 2023

Stage Prague 2022

Stage Jeunes Prague 2017

Stage Prague 2018

Stage Prague 2015

Stage Prague 2014

Stage Bielefeld 2017

Stage Malaisie 2016

Stage Ukraine 2016

Stage Japon 2015

Délégation chinoise 2011