研究 Research

中文期刊 Published in Chinese

·       江俊漢(2024)。認識閱讀障礙者的認知神經特指與有效的學習方法。桃園特殊教育教師電子刊,2,60-64。

·       Tseng, C.-F., Chiang, C.-H., Liang, K.-C., Kuo, C.-C. (2021). Task difficulty and neural efficiency hypothesis of intelligence: Differences of semantic-syntactic error detection between gifted and non-gifted children. Chinese Journal of Psychology (中華心理學刊), 63(1), 23-40。DOI:10.6129/CJP.202103_63(1).0002【TSSCI】

·          呂孟芳、陳明聰、江俊漢(2019)。注意力訓練方案增進國小注意力缺陷學生普特班級課堂注意力之個案研究(Attention Training Program for a Student with ADD: A Case Study)。特教園丁,35(2),45-55。

·   陳明聰、江俊漢(2016)。從教師觀點相關研究談大學建立全方位設計學習環境的可能性(Constructing a Universal Design for Learning Environment for Higher Education from the Perspective of the Faculty: A literature review)。特殊教育季刊,140,19-27。

·   吳雅萍、黃彥軍、江俊漢(2015)。探討同儕中介教學與介入的相關策略與實證(Introducing and Exploring the effect of Peer-Mediated Instruction and Intervention)。雲嘉特教,21,16-26。

·   江俊漢、王華沛、陳明聰、吳雅萍(2014)。應用平版科技於自閉症溝通表現之介入策略與優劣分析。載於130年度中華民國特殊教育學會年刊,147-161。

·   江俊漢、陳明聰、陳政見(2013)。使用同儕協助學習策略提升學習障礙學生閱讀正確性之研究:以課程本位評量模式為例 (The Effects of Peer-Assisted Learning Strategy and Curriculum-Based Measurement on Word Reading Accuracy for Students With Learning Disabilities)。載於陳明聰(主編),國立嘉義大學2013年特殊教育學術研討會論文集(頁33-52)。嘉義縣:國立嘉義大學特殊教育學系、特殊教育中心。

·   江俊漢、陳明聰(2012)。從測驗構念探討閱讀理解測驗調整的公平性 (Accommodation for reading comprehension tests)。載於高振耀、邢敏華(主編),展望十二年國教中的特殊教育:2012中華民國特殊教育學會年刊(頁281-298)。台南市:中華民國特殊教育學會。

·   江俊漢、洪儷瑜(2012)。由障礙模式的演變談ICF分類系統 (From the Revolution in Models of Disability to Discuss International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health)。特殊教育季刊,125,19-28。

·   陳明聰、江俊漢(2005)。營造無障礙的閱讀環境 (Creating Universal Design reading environment)。雲嘉特教,2,25-31。

·   張育菁、陳明聰、陳政見、江俊漢(2009)。利用多元表徵教材教學對國小學習障礙學童科學知識學習成效之研究 (The Effect of multiple-representation materials for schooling children with reading disabilities in reading comprehension for science text )。2009特殊教育與科際整合學術研討會。台南:台南大學。

·   黃雅祺、江俊漢(2009)。提升身心障礙學生自我決策能力─以學生主導個別化教育計畫(IEP)會議為例 (Improving student with disabilities in self-determination)。特殊教育叢書,9801,113-125。

·   朱原禾、江俊漢(2009)。全方位設計理論與在教學上的應用 (Implication of Universal Design for Instruction )。教師之友,50(1),90-100。

·   江俊漢、陳明聰(2007)。融合教育新趨勢之全方位學習設計的探討 (Universal Design for Learning in inclusive trend)。雲嘉特教,6,8-15。

·   江俊漢、陳琳(2006)。從國小身心障礙學生轉銜活動談親師之合作 ( The cooperation between parents and teacher for students with disabilities in transition)。特教園丁,22(2),26-33。

·   江俊漢(2006)。美國特殊教育輔助性專業人員的角色與訓練 (The role and training for paraeducator in U.S.)。雲嘉特教,4,86-92。

·   陳明聰、江俊漢、柯建全(2006)。網路多表徵閱讀系統的發展與介面可用性評估 (The evaluation and development of TriAccess Reading System)。中華民國特殊教育學會年刊:身心障礙成人之職業與社區生活(頁185-196),台北:中華民國特殊教育學會。

英文期刊 Published in English

·   Chiang, C.H., Hämäläinen, J., Xu, W., & Wang, H. L. (2020). Neural responses to musical rhythm in Chinese children with reading difficulties. Frontier in Psychology, 11:1013. doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01013【SSCI】

·       Wang, N. Y., Chiang, C. H., Wang, H. L., & Tsao, Y. (2020). Atypical frequency sweep processing in Chinese children with reading difficulties: Evidence from magnetoencephalography. Frontier in Psychology. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01649 【SSCI】

·       Wu, Y. P. Chen, M. C., Lo, Y. Y., Chiang, C. H. (2020). Effects of peer-mediated instruction with AAC on science learning and communitive responses of students with significant cognitive disabilities in Taiwan. Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities. doi.org/10.1177/1540796919900955. 【SSCI】


·       Chiang, C. H., Chen, I. C., & Wang, H. (2017). Auditory Perception of Sound Amplitude Onset, Phonological Awareness, and Reading in Chinese: A Preliminary Study of Children with Reading Difficulties and Specific Language Impairments. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation, 18, 109-125. 【Scopus】


·       Wang, H. L. S., Chen, I. C., Chiang, C. H., Lai, Y. H., & Tsao, Y. (2016). Auditory Perception Suprasegmental Speech Processing, and Vocabulary Development in Chinese Preschoolers. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 1-18. 【SSCI】


·       Wu, Y. P., Chen, M. C., Chiang, C. H., & Kuan, I. C. (2013, August). An Investigation of Aided Language Stimulation in a Group Teaching Format: Does it work in a Real Class? Proceeding of 7th International Convention on Rehabilitation Engineering & Assistive Technology. ACM, New York, NY. 【EI】(Gyeonggi, Korea)


·       Ko, C. C., Chiang, C. H., Lin, Y. L., & Chen, M. C. (2011). An individualized e-reading system developed based on multi-representations approach. Educational Technology & Society,14(4), 88-98. 【SSCI】


·   Chen, M. C., Chiang, C. H., & Cko, C. C. (2008). The effectiveness of TriAccess Reading System on comprehending nature science text for students with learning disabilities. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5105, 747-754. 【EI】

       Chen, M. C., Cko, C. C., Chen, L. Y., & Chiang, C. H. (2007). Developing and evaluating a TriAccess Reading System. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4556, 234-241.【EI】 

研討會發表 Presentation in Conference

·   張雯珺、江俊漢(2024Jun.)。律動閱讀:音樂節奏融入閱讀訓練改善中文閱讀困難兒童朗讀表現。口頭發表於國立嘉義大學2024年特殊教育國際學術研討會嘉義,台灣。

· 鄭姿昀、黃玉枝、江俊漢(2024, Mar.)。腦波科技探究數學學習困難學生在學習輔助犬情境的數學表現與焦慮情形。口頭發表於第十九屆台灣數位學習發展研討會(Taiwan E-Learning Forum - TWELF 2024),台中,台灣。(獲選最佳論文)

· Chung, B. C., & Chiang, C. H. (2024, Feb.). The relationship between phonological, first language, and second language in Mandarin Chinese children with learning disabilities. Association for Reading and Writing in Asia, Jeju, Korea.

· 江俊漢、陳明聰(2023,Dec.)。十二年國民基本教育課程臺灣手語課程實施現況調查:學生觀點2023 年中華民國特殊教育學會學術研討會,嘉義,台灣。

 · 鍾秉家、江俊漢(2023,Dec.)。偏鄉國小兒童第二語言習得與聲韻表現關係之研究海報2023 年中華民國特殊教育學會學術研討會,嘉義,台灣。

·  江俊漢、張傳玉、王亮人、周文君、蔡景淑、張茹茵、黃玉枝、吳珮俞(2023, May)。學習輔助犬對於學習障礙兼注意力困難兒童閱讀成效之探究。口頭發表於2023特殊教育國際研討會嘉義,台灣。

·       Wang, Y. H., Chiang, C. H., Wang, H. L. (2023, Feb.). Effects of noise type and signal-to-noise-ratio on speech-in-noise perception in Mandarin-speaking developmental dyslexia. Oral presentation at Association for Reading and Writing in Asia, Hong Kong, China.

·   鍾秉家、江俊漢(2022,Dec.)。學習障礙學生的聲韻覺識與第二語言關係之後設分析。線上口頭發表於第九屆海峽兩岸特殊教育高端論壇,屏東,台灣。

·   張雯珺、江俊漢(2022,Dec.)。動物輔助介入提升閱讀困難學生閱讀成效之後設分析。線上口頭發表於第九屆海峽兩岸特殊教育高端論壇,屏東,台灣。

·   Chiang, C. H., Li, C. C., Yu, C. H. (2022, Jul.). The linguistic performance of gifted students in solving semantic and syntactic problems. Oral presentation at the 17th Asia-Pacific Conference on Giftedness, Taipei, Taiwan.

·   Chiang, C. H., Chen, M. C., & Chen, L. Y. (2022, Mar.). Utilizing evidence-based technology to improve the abilities of phonological awareness for individuals with learning disabilities: A meta-analysis study.  Oral presentation at Taiwan E-Learning Forum (TWELF 2022). Taitung, Taiwan.

·  湯抒晗、江俊漢、王曉嵐  (2021, Dec.) 兒童詩歌朗讀訓練於聲韻覺識發展的影響。口頭發表於2021多元輔助介入特殊需求者之應用國際學術研討會。

 ·    Chiang, C. H. & Wang, H. L. (2021, Aug.). Tapping rhythmic abilities align with word reading in Mandarin-speaking children. ePoster online-presented at Brain and Language 2021, Jyväskylä, Finland

·   Chiang, C. H. & Wang, H. L. (2021, Mar.). Musical rhythm, phonological awareness, and reading in Chinese  children with/without reading difficulties. Poster online-presented at The 5th Annual Conference for the Association for Reading and Writing in Asia, Taipei, Taiwan. 

·   江俊漢、王曉嵐(2020, Dec)音樂節奏訓練APP提升閱讀困難兒童聲韻表現之研究,口頭發表於2020中華民學特殊教育學會第52週年年會暨學術研討會。

·   呂孟芳、陳明聰、江俊漢(2020, Apr)。注意力訓練提升國小生課堂注意力之個案研究,口頭發表於國立嘉義大學2019特殊教育國際學術研討會。

·   Chiang, C. H., Tseng, C. F., Liang, K. C. & Kuo, C. C. (2019, Oct.). Do harder tasks challenge the young gifted brain more? Oral presentation at International Research Association for Talent Development and Excellence Conference. Taipei, Taiwan.

·   Wang. H. L., Chiang, C. H., Wang, Y. H., & Tsao, Y. H. (2019, April). Musical rhythm perception and phonological awareness in Chinese-speaking children with and without reading difficulties. Oral presented at 2019 43rd Annual International Association Research for Learning Disabilities Conference, Crete, Greece.

·   Chen, M. C., & Chiang, C.H. (2018, Aug.). Perspectives of students with LD toward UDL in higher education. Presented at 2018 Assistive Technology Industry Association Conference. Orlando, U.S.

·   陳明聰、江俊漢(2017, Oct)大學院校老師對全方位課程設計的重要知覺與實踐程度之調查:前導研究調查結果,口頭發表於第四屆海峽兩岸特殊教育高端論壇,廣東省,中國大陸。

·   Chen, M. C., & Chiang, C.H. (2017, Aug.). Investigating perspectives of students with disabilities and faculties on importance and implementation of Universal Design for Learning in higher dducation. Presented at International Conference on Modern Research Developments in Social Sciences, Humanities, Business and Management Studies. Hong Kong, H.K.

·   Chiang, C.H., Wang, H. L., & Hämäläinen, J., (2017, Sept.). Does rhythm perception matter to dyslexic children? Presented at International Conference on Cognitive Science 2017, Taipei, Taiwan.

·   Chiang, C.H., Wang, H. L., Hämäläinen, J., Chen, I. C. & Kuo, C. C. (2016, Nov.). Musical rhythm in children with developmental dyslexia. 海報發表於2016中華民國特殊教育學會48週年年會暨學術研討會,彰化,台灣。

·   Chiang, C. H., Chen, M. C., & Wu, Y. P. (2016, July). Comparing AAC devices from low to high technology for children with developmental disabilities. Presented at International Society for Alternative and Augmentative Communication Conference 2016. Toronto, Canada.

 Wang, H. L., Chiang, C. H., & Chen, I. C. (2016, Oct.). Auditory perception of frequency-modulated sweeps and reading difficulties in Chinese. 海報發表於科技部心智科學腦影像研究成果發表會,台南,台灣。

·   Chen, M. C., Tsia, Y. H., & Chiang, C. H. (2015, Oct.). The Adaptation of individuals with intellectual disabilities in higher education schools in Taiwan. Oral presented at World Congress on Education 2015, Dublin, Ireland.

·   Hong, R. C., Chiang, C. H., & Chen H. L. (2015, Sept.). Effective reading strategies for assisting children with reading difficulties. Oral presentation at Multidisciplinary Trends in Academy Research, Bangkok, Thailand.

·   Wang, H.-L.  & Chiang, C. H. (2015, May). Auditory amplitude sensitivity in children with reading and language difficulties. Poster presented at the 2015 Asian Conference on Language Learning, Osaka, Japan.

·   Chiang, C. H., Wang, H. P., & Wu, Y. P. (2014, July). Comparing two speech-generating devices and picture-exchange system for children with developmental disabilities. Oral presented at the Conference on 16th International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Lisbon, Portugal.

·   Chiang, C. H., & Wang, H. L. S. (2014, April). Auditory amplitude envelope sensitivity in Chinese Children with reading and Language difficulties. Poster at the 2014 International Symposium of Speech and Language Disorders in Children. Taipei, Taiwan.

·   Chiang, C. H., Chen, M. C., & Wu, Y. P., (2012, July). The effect of an AAC in-service training program for special education teachers in Taiwan. Paper presented at the Conference on 15th International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Pittsburg, USA.

·   Chen, M. C., & Chiang, C. H. (2007, November). Exploring the effectiveness of TriAccess system on reading comprehension for students with disabilities. Oral presented at 18th Asian Conference on Mental Retardation. Taipei, Taiwan.

專書 Books

·   江俊漢譯(2023)。AAC系統的選擇與個別化。載於楊熾康主編,輔助溝通系統之原理與應用:支持複雜溝通需求之兒童與成人(第七章)。台北:華騰文化。

·   江俊漢譯(2023)。使用表徵符號的技術與輸出。載於楊熾康主編,輔助溝通系統之原理與應用:支持複雜溝通需求之兒童與成人(第八章)。台北:華騰文化。

·   侯雅齡、江俊漢主編(2022)。閱讀理解策略1:斑馬超市購物趣。臺中市:教育部國民及學前教育署。

·   侯雅齡、江俊漢主編(2022)。閱讀理解策略2:好好吃早餐。臺中市:教育部國民及學前教育署。

·   侯雅齡、江俊漢主編(2022)。閱讀理解策略3:來去動物園。臺中市:教育部國民及學前教育署。