Group Leader 

Chun-che Chang 張俊哲

Chun-che Chang (張俊哲), Ph.D., Cantab.

Chun-che Chang earned his bachelor's degree from the Department of Agricultural Chemistry at National Taiwan University (NTU). Subsequently, he joined the Institute of Biochemistry at NTU and obtained his master's degree in science. Prior to pursuing studies in the UK, Chang excelled in the public examination sponsored by the Ministry of Education in Taiwan, securing the top ranking.


Sponsored by a government scholarship, Chang pursued his Ph.D. at the Wellcome/CRC Institute (now the Gurdon Institute) and the Department of Genetics at the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom (UK). Inspired by Professor Michael Akam, he embarked on a journey in Developmental Biology, delving into the intricate process of how germ cells are specified in the grasshopper Schistocerca gregaria. After completing postdoctoral training at the Academia Sinica (Taiwan), he has been a faculty member in the Department of Entomology at NTU since 2003. Serving as the Chairman of the Department from 2016 to 2019, he currently holds the positions of Professor and Director of the University Press at NTU. Throughout his career, Chang has received the NTU Teaching Excellence Award ten times (2006 to 2023) and the Outstanding Teaching Award in 2018. His dedication to both education and research was further acknowledged when he was recognized as an outstanding junior investigator by the College of Bio-Resources and Agriculture NTU in 2006.


Chang's team has been fervently studying the developmental genes involved in asexual (parthenogenetic) and viviparous aphids. In Taiwan, they have successfully established aphids as a prominent model organism for developmental studies. Particularly at the molecular level, they unraveled the process of how germ cells are specified in asexual and viviparous aphids, identifying the germ plasm in uncellularized embryos. This groundbreaking discovery challenges the traditional notion that hemimetabolous insects, such as aphids, do not rely on a maternal germ plasm to specify germ cells. Furthermore, Chang has been an active member of the International Aphid Genome Consortium (IAGC) since 2008 and is now the founder of the Taiwan Aphid Genome Consortium (TAGC). From 2002 to the present, he has published papers featured on international journal covers eight times. Notably, two of these covers have been acknowledged as iconic by journals, highlighting the international recognition of his research identity and innovation. Since January 2024, Chun-che Chang was appointed as an editorial board member of the "Developmental Biology", a journal of the American Society for Developmental Biology.

張俊哲教授畢業於臺大農化系農製組 (學士)、理學院生化所畢業 (碩士),以及英國劍橋大學遺傳學系 (博士),現為臺大昆蟲學系教授兼出版中心主任,2016 - 2019 年曾擔任昆蟲學系主任。

在赴英留學前,張俊哲教授服役於陸戰隊,獲優秀義務役軍官榮銜,退伍後通過法務部調查局鑑識科學特考,以及取得教育部公費留考之榜首 (農學組)。長期以來,張老師主授分子生物學、分子遺傳學、科學研究計畫管理、科學研究計畫管理實務、新生專題等課程,目前亦擔任臺大通識教育之領域召集人,同時受邀擔任報紙專欄作家,熱心教育。

張俊哲教授十度榮獲臺大教學優良獎,並於 2018 年獲頒教學傑出獎之肯定。在研究方面,張老師團隊致力於孤雌胎生蚜蟲發育基因之表現,於臺大建立蚜蟲為發育遺傳學之模式物種。他 2002 年迄今,發表之論文曾 8 度榮登國際期刊封面;截至目前,有 2 個封面被期刊用為標竿封面,足示其研究成果深受國際科學社群之高度肯定。張俊哲教授自 2024 年 1 月起,獲聘為美國發育生物學會素有斐譽之  "Developmental Biology" 期刊之編輯委員。