
[OA] - Open Access


27. Tran TTQ, Narayanan C, Loes AN, Click TH, Pham NTH, Létourneau M, Harms MJ, Calmettes C, Agarwal PK, Doucet N. "Ancestral sequence reconstruction dissects structural and functional differences among eosinophil ribonucleases." J. Biol. Chem.. 300(5) 2024: 107280.


26. Nazarenko Y*, Narayanan C*, and Ariya PA. 2023. Indoor Air Purifiers in the Fight Against Airborne Pathogens: The Advantage of Circumferential Outflow Diffusers. Atmosphere 15(10): 1520. *Equal Authorship.

25. Bernard DN, Narayanan C, Hempel T, Bafna K, Bhojana PP, Letourneau M, Howell EE, Agarwal PK, Doucet N. 2023. Divergence of conformational motions along the evolutionary pathway in an enzyme superfamily. Structure. 31, 329-342.


24. Nazarenko Y, Narayanan C, Kayium A, Szeptycki H, Ariya PA. 2021. Organic Sorbents for Air Purification: A New Application for Recyclable Hypercrosslinked Polystyrene. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 60, 10, 3969–3980. doi: 10.1021/acs.iecr.0c05722.


23. Narayanan C, Bernard DN, Létourneau M, Gagnon J, Gagné D, Bafna K, Calmettes C, Couture JF, Agarwal PK & Doucet N. 2020. Insights into structural and dynamical changes experienced by human RNase 6 upon ligand binding. Biochemistry. 59 (6), 755-765.


21. [OA] Bafna K, Narayanan C, Chennubhotla CS, Doucet N, Agarwal PK. 2019. Nucleotide substrate binding characterization in human pancreatic-type ribonucleases. PLoS One. 14(8):e0220037.


20. Debbabi S, Groleau MC, Létourneau M, Narayanan C, Gosselin LL, Gagnon J, Doucet N, Déziel E, Chatenet D. 2018. Antibacterial properties of the pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide: A new human antimicrobial peptide. PLoS One. 13(11):e0207366.

19. Gagné D, Narayanan C, Bafna K, Charest LA, Agarwal PK, Doucet N. 2018. Correction to: Sequence-specific backbone resonance assignments and microsecond timescale molecular dynamics simulation of human eosinophil-derived neurotoxin. Biomol NMR Assign. 12(2):365-367.

18. [OA] Narayanan C, Bernard DN, Bafna K, Gagné D, Doucet N, Agarwal PK. 2018. Ligand-induced variations in structural and dynamical properties within an enzyme superfamily. Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences. 5:54.

17. Narayanan C, Bernard DN, Bafna K, Gagné D, Chennubhotla CS, Doucet N, Agarwal PK. 2018. Conservation of Dynamics Associated with Biological Function in an Enzyme Superfamily. Structure. 26:426-436.

Article highlighted in Structure Previews ‘Conserved Functional Dynamics: I Like to Move It, Move It’ by Vladimir Uversky.


16. Narayanan C, Bafna K, Roux LD, Agarwal PK, Doucet N. 2017. Applications of NMR and computational methodologies to study protein dynamics. Arch Biochem Biophys. 628:71-80.

15. Gagné D, Narayanan C, Bafna K, Charest LA, Agarwal PK & Doucet N. 2017. Sequence-specific backbone resonance assignments and microsecond timescale molecular dynamics simulation of human eosinophil-derived neurotoxin. Biomol. NMR Assign. 12(2):365-367. 

14. [OA] Narayanan C, Gagné D, Reynolds KA & Doucet N. 2017. Conserved amino acid networks modulate discrete functional properties in an enzyme superfamily. Sci. Rep. 7(1):3207.


13. [OA] Gagné D, Narayanan C, Nguyen-Thi N, Roux L, Bernard DN Brunzelle JS, Couture JF, Agarwal PK, Doucet N. 2016. Ligand binding induces enhanced millisecond conformational exchange in xylanase B2 from Streptomyces lividans. Biochemistry. 55(30), 4184.

12. Agarwal PK, Doucet N, Chennubhotla CS, Ramanathan A & Narayanan C. 2016. Conformational sub-states and populations in enzyme catalysis. Methods Enzymol., 578, 273.

11. [OA] Narayanan C, Bernard DN, Doucet N. 2016. Role of Conformational Motions in Enzyme Function: Selected Methodologies and Case Studies. Catalysts. 6(6), 81.


10. [OA] Gagné D, French RL, Narayanan C, Simonović M, Agarwal PK, Doucet N. 2015. Perturbation of the conformational dynamics of an active-site loop alters enzyme activity. Structure. 23(12), 2256. doi: 10.1016/j.str.2015.10.011

9. [OA] Gagné D, Narayanan C, Doucet N. 2015. Network of long-range concerted chemical shift displacements upon ligand binding to human angiogenin. Prot. Sci. 24(4): 525. doi: 10.1002/pro.2613


8. Narayanan C, Dias CL. 2014. Exploring the free energy landscape of a model b-hairpin peptide and its isoform. Proteins. 82(10): 2394. doi: 10.1002/prot.24601


7. [OA] Narayanan C, Dias CL. 2013. Hydrophobic interactions and hydrogen bonds in b-sheet formation. J. Chem. Phys. 139 (12) 115103. doi: 10.1063/1.4821596


6. [OA] Narayanan C, Weinstock DS, Wu K-P, Baum J, and Levy RM. 2012. Investigation of the polymeric properties of a-synuclein and comparison with NMR experiments: A Replica Exchange Molecular Dynamics Study. J. Chem. Theory Comput. 8(10): 3929. 


5. [OA] Wu KP, Weinstock DS, Narayanan C, Levy RM, Baum J. 2009. Structural Reorganization of alpha-Synuclein at Low pH Observed by NMR and REMD Simulations. J Mol Biol. 391(4): 784. doi: 10.1016/j.jmb.2009.06.063


4. [OA] Weinstock DS, Narayanan C, Baum J, Levy RM. 2008. Correlation between 13C-alpha chemical shifts and helix content of peptide ensembles. Protein Sci. 17(5): 950. doi: 10.1110/ps.073365408


3. [OA] Nanda V, Andrianarijaona A, Narayanan C. 2007. The role of protein homochirality in shaping the energy landscape of folding. Protein Sci.  16(8): 1667.  

2. [OA] Weinstock DS, Narayanan C, Felts AK, Andrec M, Levy RM, Wu KP, Baum J. 2007. Distinguishing among structural ensembles of the GB1 peptide: REMD simulations and NMR experiments. J Am Chem Soc. 129(16): 4858. 


1. Talla V, Narayanan C, Srinivasan N, Balasubramanian D. 2006. Mutation causing self-aggregation in human γ-C crystallin leading to congenital cataract. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 47(12): 5212.