Wheel Chair Control

B.Tech Project| LabVIEW | NI Products

Biometric Security based Wheel Chair Control using LabVIEW

This project proposes a hand gestures-based commanding technique for a robot by unlocking it with the user's iris.

The work presents a novel means of controlling wheelchairs and remote electronic gadgets using hand gestures and an incorporated iris-based biometric security scheme for enhanced safety. The idea is to facilitate superior security and control of the wheelchair and household appliances for futuristic homes. We consider this work as a step further towards the integration of computing technologies to generate services at different levels. It addresses the concept of ambient intelligence (AMI), which combines computing and networking technologies to make the environment more sensitive, secure, and intelligent.

The report delineates the methodology involved in the entire mechanism. It elaborates on the image-processing aspects of hand gesture control, where every step, from image acquisition to feature extraction and neural network classification to iris detection, uses template matching. The iris recognition method is more secure than other methods. In other words, false identification is less probable than the other security schemes.
