Career Pathways

Click here to take the Interest Profiler quiz.

Interest Assessment with links to the jobs that best fit your results

What if I don't know what I want to do for a career?

You've come to the right place if you're still unsure what you want to do for a career after high school.

There are thousands of jobs in Oregon and across the United States, but how do you know which one is the right one for you? An answer to this question has a lot to do with your personality. Are you social and outspoken? Or are you more comfortable working behind the scenes? Do you enjoy working with your hands? Or do you enjoy a combination of mental and physical work? Taking a personality quiz can help you to identify what are known as Holland Codes or the RIASEC test.

Holland Codes represent work personalities that fall into different job categories. For example, if you like working with people and are a social person, you may fall into the S or Social category, which has occupations such as teacher or social worker.

Click here to take a quiz called the Interest Profiler. This quiz will ask you a variety of questions pertaining to what you enjoy doing and what you don't enjoy doing. It is important to be as honest as possible when taking this quiz because it will provide a more accurate result as to what career would be best for you.

Make sure to write down your results from the Interest Profiler quiz so you can refer back to them as needed.

Find your career cluster

I know exactly what I want to do, but I'm not sure how to get there.

If you already know what you want to do for a career, but are unsure what it takes to have that career then you need to do some research.

First, you need to know what skills, training, and/or education you'll need to have the career of your dreams. You may even discover that your dream career may take longer to achieve or might not be exactly what you thought it was. For example, a young lady wanted to become a Veterinarian Assistant because she loved animals. When she discovered how much she would need to interact with the owners of the animals more than the animals themselves, she was not so sure that becoming a VA was the right choice for her. It all comes down to what kind of personality you have (see above). The young lady who wanted to become a VA discovered that her antisocial personality was not the best fit for interacting with pet owners on a daily basis.

There is an invaluable resource at your disposable to research what skills, training, and/or education you'll need to have the career of your dreams. is a website to discover the knowledge, skills, and abilities you'll need to do the job you want.

Job Corps Scholars at Chemeketa Community College

Job Corps Scholars Program_v2.pdf

Students who are interested in Job Corps Scholars Program at Chemeketa Community College must complete an interest form on the Chemeketa website, click HERE for the interest form.

  • You must qualify as low-income in order to be eligible for the program

  • You must complete the program in one year or less

  • The main goal of the program is for you to gain employment

  • Undocumented students are eligible for the program, but they must have DACA status to be eligible to work in the U.S.

  • Eligible programs are listed in the flyer above

Apprenticeship Programs in Oregon

If you're interested in learning more about apprenticeship programs, please check out the following resources.