Clairemont High School
internship program

Fostering personal and professional growth, career exploration, and facilitating a seamless transition for 12th graders into higher education or the workforce after graduation. 

Program Overview

CHS is committed to providing our seniors with a quality internship: a meaningful, hands-on work experience outside of the classroom designed to prepare them for life after high school. Internships provide real-world, hands-on work experience to prepare them for life after graduation. It teaches them many transferable skills in a 9-10 week work placement for 70 total hours.

We believe internships are the most valuable way for 12th graders to explore a field of industry interest. They learn how their course of study applies to the real world and build up their resumes and essential soft skills, making them stronger candidates for jobs after graduation. 

Our local industry and community benefit from the program as well. The opportunity to inspire and develop potential future employees allows them to build a "pipeline" of bright minds who are interested in the field and more prepared for their world of work.

2023-24 Intern: Piper
Bay Park Elementary 

2023 Interns: Harry, Raymond, and Sena
Superhuman Bikes

2023-24 Intern: Haris
Boz Life Science & Teaching Institute

2023 Intern: Annika
Boz Life Science & Teaching Institute

2022 Interns: Kevin, Chase, Edgar, Trevor, and Charlie
Mossy Toyota Pacific Beach

2022-23 Intern: Grace
Pacific Southwest Railway Museum

The Interns

All CHS students have taken three or more career technical courses for their chosen industry pathways in either Business, Engineering, Health and Medical Sciences, Information Technology, Automotive Tech, or Video Production, bringing a unique set of transferable technical skills to the workplace.

Additionally, as part of the academy experience at CHS, students have had ample exposure to project-based teamwork, community and industry connections, presentations of learning, and off-campus experiences in the form of field trips and job shadows. All CHS 12th graders have also participated in the 11th Grade CHS Mentoring Program, which empowered them with monthly access to conversations with a professional industry partner.  

CHS students are also proficient with various types of industry-specific technology (according to their pathway), and all students are well versed in Microsoft applications (Excel, Word, PowerPoint), Google Platform applications, and social media platforms. 

 2023 Spring Intern: Bailee
Bay Park Elementary School

 2023 Spring Interns: Kai, Payton, Joey
Boz Research Institute

2023 Spring Interns: Chase and Ryan
McCarthy Building Company

Preparation & Course Content

During the first six weeks of the course, students undergo intensive hands-on training in essential workplace soft skills, such as communication, networking, teamwork, self-awareness, resilience, adaptability, and workplace professionalism. 

As a course requirement, students also create a professional resume, LinkedIn profiles, participate in mock interviews, and prepare a final presentation of learning.  

Our students are well prepared to function as valuable assets to a company in whichever work environment they intern.

Course Basics

Important Dates for the 2024-25 School Year

Supervisor Registration & Intern Request
Complete the Google form
Semester 1: August 1, 2024 - September 16, 2024
Semester 2: December 1, 2024 - February 10, 2025

Intern Supervisor Orientation & Interview Fair
Held at Clairemont High School in the library
Semester 1: Thursday, September 19, 2024
Semester 2: Thursday, February 13, 2025

Intern Work Weeks Start & End Dates
First day and last day of work at placements
Semester 1: September 30, 2024 -  December 12, 2024
Semester 2: February 24, 2025 - May 8, 2025

Interns’ Final Exhibition & Awards
Supervisors, teachers, peers, & families invited to attend
Semester 1: Thursday, December 19, 2024
Semester 2: Thursday, May 22, 2025

Internship Program TikTok.mp4

Check out our promotional program video created by 2024 CHS social media interns! 

Make an Impact and Host an Intern!

Clairemont High School has gone to great lengths to make our internship program an easy win-win for students and industry partners alike. We have planned all the logistics for you! Clairemont staff has already created an Internship Handbook, prepped interns on workplace etiquette, secured free public transportation passes for interns, and carries liability insurance through our school district. The structure of our program provides the foundation needed for a rewarding experience. 

Want an intern?

Course Instructor 

My name is Jeanne Cantwell, and I teach Work-Based Learning and the Internship Program at Clairemont High School. I primarily teach seniors enrolled in Career Pathways Internship & Exploratory Work Experience. I come from the market research field and have a bachelor's in Journalism and a master's in Education. I have held many internships and am passionate about helping students navigate their entry into the workforce.