Intern Testimonials

Hear from the interns, firsthand, about their experience and the impact of this program. 

 2023-2024 interns


Research Lab Intern
Boz Life Science Research and Teaching Institute

From a young age, science has been one of my passions, with my curiosity and decision to explore further within the field. While working at the Boz internship, I obtained exposure to real-world experiences that aided me in enhancing my communication, teamwork, and problem-solving skills. This program refreshed my attitude to always ask questions and not be afraid of failure, despite the class ending I acquired more knowledge about myself and what I want to do in the future.

Eva is attending San Diego State University in Fall of 2024


Advanced Manufacturing Intern
San Diego County Office of Education Innovation Labs

My internship allowed me to get hands-on experience in the maker space. I assisted the instructor and learned while simultaneously operating machinery, soldering, 3D modeling, and programming computers. Most of my time was spent prepping circuits, cutting PVC blocks, and 3D printing modules. The most exciting part was making a custom LED light-based and personalized designed acrylic. Overall, this valuable internship gave me a better understanding of engineering work, building my problem-solving skills and confidence for my future endeavors in college and a job setting in the industry.

Lorenzo is attending the University of Dayton in the Fall of 2024

Check all of the intern profiles from our 2023-24 interns HERE

 2022-2023 interns


Ticket Sales Intern
The San Diego Loyal Soccer Club 

“During my internship, I served as the ticket sales intern for the SD Loyal Soccer Club. I had a great time and learned a lot about what my colleagues typically undergo on a daily basis, as well as what it takes to run a sports team. This course has taught me to be open to new opportunities as I took part in multiple interviews, improved my confidence, and helped me identify a potential career path. ”

Tyson is attending UC Berkley in the Fall of 2023

Audrey & ava

Social Media Marketing Interns
Tap Fever Dance Studio

"This experience has shown me the responsibility and initiative it takes to have a job. A major takeaway: if you find enjoyment in your job, success and motivation will come naturally." - Audrey
Audrey is attending UC Santa Barbara in the Fall of 2023

"This internship has shown me the different ways in which my hobbies can be intertwined with work life and how to responsibly and efficiently reach my goals. A major takeaway: If your passions align with your job, take the chance!" - Ava
Ava is attending San Diego State University in the Fall of 2023


Ticket Sales Intern
Murphy Fraizer Chiropractic and Laser 

"In the fall I will be attending Oregon State University I will be majoring in Kinesiology and Pre Physical Therapy, this internship allowed me to interact with therapy patients through observation and hands-on experience.  I'm primarily interested in Sports Medicine, and I got to see a lot of athletes being treated and learn about the causes of their injuries."

Leah was hired as a receptionist at Murphy Fraizer Chiropractic and Laser for the summer before leaving for Oregon State University in Fall 2023

 2021-2022 interns & Supervisors

Video testimonies from 2021 Mossy Toyota Pacific Beach 

mossy interviews.mp4

Social media marketing video from October 2021 featured interns: Colton, Ty, AJ, & Heidi

Mossy Interview.mp4

Interviews featuring Shop Foreman Jason and
Fall 2021 Interns: Ty, AJ, Heidi, & Colton


Lab Intern
Boz Life Science Research and Teaching Institute

"This program had a major impact on what I considered for a future career and how I handle myself professionally. My Boz internship gave me a new perspective on what professionalism means, as did the class. In class, we worked on assignments that taught us about ourselves, like what jobs we’d be good at or the kind of work we prefer. This really helped me get a glimpse at what I may want to do in the future."

Bella is currently at CSU Monterey Bay studying Ecology Evolution & Organismal Biology 


Marketing Intern
Boz Life Science Research and Teaching Institute

“I just secured a marketing internship [in college] and people there are shocked to hear that I came into college with internship experience already! The class taught me how to pitch myself and make professional connections which is one of the most valuable things as a young adult.” 

Amelia is currently at UC Santa Barbara studying History of Public Policy and Law


Internship Supervisor 2021 - Present
Boz Life Science Research and Teaching Institute

“We have offered a practical hands-on approach to biotechnology from a research and development perspective to 28 Clairemont High School students so far since 2021. In justifying the importance of this program, several of the past interns discovered that science beyond the classroom is exciting and has changed their career paths. Those students already entering the program with scientific aspirations have come away reassured that they were choosing the right career. This program is, without doubt, a win-win opportunity benefiting both students and the industry sector.”