A New Home

Dear me,

Maybe these letters will help more when I inevitably have to do this all again. Or maybe I'm just doing this to kill the boredom. It's been a few years since I first created this universe. Well, at least that's what it feels like. Here, I can do whatever I want with time. Made a mistake? Oops, let's go back in time and try again. Something taking too long? Just jump ahead a bit! For my own sanity, I set up a clock that tracks time as if I were on Earth. If my math is correct, I've fast forwarded the universe so that about 10 billion years have already passed.

It's been pretty lonely here. God visits every now and then but only for a short time. Other than that, its just me and the universe. I can do whatever I want, and at the pace I want. But that's just the problem; I feel like things are taking way too long.

A few years ago when I made the universe I knew I had to create planets next. See, I've been doing that this entire time. It's just taking so long! First I need to find a suitable star for it to orbit around. This is the worst part because I have to do it manually! Basically, I travel all over this universe and and look for a few factors: What size is the star? What's it's age? Is the habitable zone in the right place? What else is around the star that could prove to be troublesome later?

Anyways, I need to stop writing and get back to it. Until next time.



I put down the notebook and look at my computer.

"Okay," I say to myself, "this next star HAS to be it." I've developed a bad habit of talking to myself sitting in here alone. I mean, who else can I talk to? Who knew playing god was so lonely?

I scan a small portion of the universe using the computer. Most of the time it picks up nothing, but this time one star shows up on the search results.

"Please PLEASE be habitable!" I beg to no one and press the "to universe" button on my watch.

Suddenly I'm floating in space. At this point I'm used to the transition so it no longer fazes me. In front of me is the star I found on the computer. It looks good so far. It shines brightly with yellow light. From even this distance I can feel the warmth radiating off of it. Not too hot, but not too cold. I take off my backpack and open it. A while ago I found some tools that help me with this kind of thing. One being the Habitable Star Identifier, or HSI for short. This gadget basically tells me if a planet orbiting a star could support life or not. I take the HSI out of my backpack, point it at the star, and press the button.

The lights on the HSI suddenly shine green! Does that mean this star is habitable? It's always shone red before. This has to be it! I quickly return to my office and begin my work.

I've studied planet creation for a while now so I know exactly what I want! I type 'RUN PLNETCREATION.EXE' on the computer and press enter.


Since I'm trying to make a planet as Earth-like as possible I know I'll need 47% oxygen, 28% silicon, 8% iron, and a small amount of a few other elements. I type these into the computer and press enter.


I do as the computer says and look up at the screen showing the star I just visited. Finally, I'm taking the next step! God will be so proud of me!


I speed up time in the universe so I can watch my planet form right in front of my eyes. A ring of dust slowly appears around the star.


I notice the dust begins to clump together into larger rocks. These rocks then collide with one another and form even larger rocks. This continues until there are about ten or twelve large bodies orbiting the star. I'm happy with the results so far, so I fast forward about 10 million years to let it all cool off a bit.


I stop the fast-forwarding and my eyes are met with a large planet.

"Hello Earth 2.0." I smile.

It's dull and grey but I know this will be the new home for humanity. I excitedly press the button on my watch to teleport onto the planet's surface. Upon arrival I am absolutely surprised with what I find. Volcanoes reaching into the sky erupt with lava. Magma lakes and rivers carve through the hot rocks beneath my feet. The surface is bombarded with small meteors. Is this really what Earth was like at first? What am I missing? I look at the sky. There are clouds, so that means there already is an atmosphere, but the clouds are a dark reddish grey. The amount of gases leaking out of the ground will kill anything trying to live here, so this planet is far from ready. I return back to my office.

Water! I'm missing water! I run planetcreation.exe once again and add a large celestial object mainly composed of ice and other precious metals. I want this object to collide with Earth 2.0, so I need it to be smaller. Too big and it'll destroy the whole planet. Too small and it won't have the effect I'm looking for. I finish setting up the prerequisites and let the program do its thing.

I fast forward time once again and watch my creation. An object about a third the size of Earth 2.0 comes onto the screen and is headed right towards it. So far so good. The two objects collide and cause the biggest- well, second biggest explosion I've ever seen! Rocks, lava, and other debris is flung into space and form a ring around Earth 2.0. The rest of the new object is consumed into the planet. I fast forward time by a few million years to let it all cool off. Once done, I teleport onto the surface of my planet to see my work.

The surface is cooler, but still warm. There are way less volcanoes and magma lakes. There are also oceans! I look to the sky and I see a moon! It's way too big right now but I know it'll eventually drift farther away. My idea worked perfectly! I walk down to the shore and admire what I had just created. This planet may just be rocks and water now, but every step gets me closer and closer to creating life!

The planet that will soon be home to billions of life forms. Doesn't look very homey yet.

Author's Note:

Hey welcome back! And hello to those who are new! I hope you enjoyed this week's story. This week, our young god has his first go at planet creation! With that, he has also created the sky, the moon, and the oceans. One step closer to creating life!

For this story, I got my inspiration from Genesis, but retold by Jewish storytellers. I specifically focused on aspects from the first and forth days. This included the creation of the moon, oceans, atmosphere, and wind. Similarly to last week, The god perceived in this version of Genesis is all-knowing. He creates these aspects of the universe without a second thought.

The young god in my stories still has a long way to go until he is a full-fledged god. Even so, he is noticeably more competent than he was before. Through his struggles, he was able to learn much more and use those skills in his creation. Just in case of any confusion, I would like to address how time is working in this story. In the newly created universe, it has its own time. By itself, it would go on like how it does for you and me. However, the office and Tree of Life are not affected by time in this way, and operates on a plane we cannot even perceive. This allows for the young god to manipulate the time in the universe as he sees fit. I mean, creating a universe takes billions of years! Would you want to wait that entire time?