
I love teaching.

I've known I wanted to be a teacher since early in high school. I went to college with the intention of becoming a middle school teacher. When I graduated from Bridgewater College, I was licensed to teach middle and high school math in Virginia. Working with students is my biggest passion. I think my motto as a long time summer camp counselor and director sums up my teaching philosophy pretty well: Camp is for the campers. Basically, the best teaching practices are the ones that enable the students, not gratify the instructor.

In the Fall semester of 2023, I am teaching Precalculus and Differential Equations for my first courses at Warren Wilson. I'll add links to my resources once I get more prep work done on those classes.

At MSU, I taught:

Math 126 - Survey of Calculus II - Folder of Resources - Evaluations

Math 201 - Math for Elementary Educators - Evaluations

Math 101 - Quantitative Literacy I - Evaluations

I was honored for Excellence in Teaching as a Graduate Teaching Assistant for the 2019-2020 academic year. 

At BGSU, I taught Math 1220 - College Algebra II in the BGSU Math Emporium, a unique, move at your own pace setting. - Evaluations

I was also heavily involved in curriculum development for Math 101 at MSU and have become a believer in Quantitative Literacy as an alternative to College Algebra or other Gen Ed Math classes. I've compiled some more information about Math 101 here

Christopher Potvin - christopherd.potvin@gmail.com - (443) 859-2483