Christopher Potvin

Hi! I am an Assistant Professor of Math and Data Science at Warren Wilson College, This fall I am teaching Precalculus and Differential Equations. I am a member of the Mathematical Association of America's 2023 Project NExT cohort, a professional development program for early career college math instructors. On my website, you can find out more about my teaching, research, or just me. 

I received my Ph.D. in Math from Michigan State University studying with Dr. Elizabeth Munch. I did an internship at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory working in Topological Data Analysis from February to August 2022. Before attending MSU, I received a Master's Degree in Math in 2018 from Bowling Green State University, where I also did research in Math Education. I graduated from Bridgewater College with a Bachelor's Degree in Physics & Mathematics in 2016. 

Here you can view and download my CV. 

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