Invited Talks
Carignan, C. Using real-time MRI to investigate seeds of sound change: Evidence from German velum kinematics, Phonetics and Phonology Lab, Michigan State University, online, October 2021.
Carignan, C. Nasalization from Acoustic Features (NAF): A method of estimating the time-varying degree of vowel nasalization directly from speech acoustics, Phonetics Lab, Lancaster University, online, April 2021.
Carignan, C. Analyzing speech in both TIME and SPACE: Generalized additive mixed models can uncover systematic patterns of variation in vocal tract shape over the time-course of speech, Speech Science Forum, University College London, UK, February 2020.
Carignan, C. How to build a Linguistic Time Machine (instructions included), Linguistics and English Language, The University of Manchester, UK, November 2019.
Carignan, C. (Don't) mind the gap! Building bridges between articulation, acoustics, and perception of speech, Speech, Hearing and Phonetics Sciences, University College London, UK, May 2019.
Egurtzegi, A. & Carignan, C. A case of perceptual reanalysis: The ongoing merger of /h/ and /h̃/ in Mixean Basque, 'Whiter reanalysis?', Humboldt University Berlin, Germany, February 2019.
Mailhammer, R., Carignan, C., & Sherwood, S. The puzzle of Middle English before nasals: nasalised vowel, diphthong or both?, Institut für Englische Philologie Oberseminar 'Diachrone Linguistik und anglistische Mediävistik', LMU Munich, Germany, January 2019.
Carignan, C. Using naïve listener imitations of native speaker productions to investigate mechanisms of listener-based sound change, Laboratoire Parole et Langage (LPL), Aix Marseille Université, Aix-en-Provence, France, November 2018.
Carignan, C. A cross-linguistic examination of vowel nasality in the light of the psycho-acoustic pressure on the vowel space due to velum lowering, a.k.a., "The naturalness of the French counter-clockwise nasal vowel chain shift", Oberseminar Romanistische Linguistik, Institute of Romance Philology, LMU Munich, Germany, May 2018.
Carignan, C. Using ultrasound and nasalance to investigate the independent effect of nasalization on the acoustic vowel space, Phonology Seminar Series, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, United States, March 2018.
Carignan, C. "A nose by any other name would sound as sweet": The tale of nasalization, misperception, and sound change, MAMPF: Moderne Ansätze und Methoden der Phonetischen Forschung, Institute of Phonetics and Speech Processing, Munich, Germany, December 2017.
Carignan, C. New horizons in exploring human speech production: The possibilities of articulatory research, EMA delegation to Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, Chengdu, China, May 2017.
Carignan, C. Thinking outside the nose: Articulatory covariation in the realization of F1 of Southern French nasal vowels, Macquarie University, February 2017.
Carignan, C. Articulatory co-variation in Southern French nasal vowels: Towards recreating sound change in the laboratory, University of Melbourne, May 2016.
Mielke, J., Carignan, C., & Thomas, E. R. Phonetic and phonological variation in English /æ/ tensing, UNC Linguistics Spring Colloquium, March 2016.
Kember, H., Carignan, C., & Kalashnikova, M. Love at first sound: Can the way the Bachelorette talks predict who will win her heart?, CoEDL Fest 2016, Western Sydney University, February 2016.
Carignan, C. Vowel nasalisation as a litmus test for sound change research, Department of Language and Linguistics Seminar Series, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia, November 2015.
Carignan, C. Decoding the gradient: What can articulatory research teach us about language?, Translation, Interpreting, Languages and Linguistics Seminar Series, Western Sydney University, Sydney, Australia, October 2015.
Carignan, C. An oral articulatory approach to vowel nasalization: Searching for the “oral” in “nasal”, Research Colloquium Series, The MARCS Institute - University of Western Sydney, Sydney, Australia, January 2015.
Carignan, C. Letting your nose guide you: Researching the “oral” of [nasal], University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada, January 2015.
Carignan, C. An oral articulatory approach to vowel nasalization: Searching for the “oral” in “nasal”, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, January 2015.
Carignan, C., Shosted, R., Fu, M., Liang, Z.-P., & Sutton, B. Lingual and pharyngeal enhancement of vowel nasalization in French: A real-time MRI application of ThArea and DIPCA, NCLLP Brownbag Series, North Carolina State University, September 2013.
Carignan, C. When nasal is more than nasal: Oral articulation in vowel nasalization, Linguistics Department Colloquium, University of California - Berkeley, January 2013.
Carignan, C. Articulation orale des voyelles nasales en français, GIPSA-lab, Université Stendhal-Grenoble 3, Grenoble, France, October 2011