Publications & other projects           

Dry friction promotes dynamics for desirable energy generation in a VI-EH

C. Athanasouli, D. Yurchenko, R. Kuske (submitted to the SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 2024)

Data-driven mathematical modeling of sleep consolidation in early childhood [preprint]

C. Athanasouli, S. Stowe, C. G. Diniz Behn, V. Booth (under review in the Journal of Theoretical Biology, 2023)

NREM-REM alternation complicates transitions from napping to non-napping behavior in a three-state model of sleep-wake regulation [journal]

C. Athanasouli, K. Kalmbach, V. Booth, C. G. Diniz Behn (published in the journal of Mathematical Biosciences, 2023)

Bifurcations of sleep patterns due to homeostatic and circadian variation in a sleep-wake flip-flop model [journal] [arxiv]

C. Athanasouli, S. H. Piltz C. G. Diniz Behn, V. Booth (published in the SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 2022)

Mapping recovery of sleep deprivation [journal]

S. H. Piltz, C. Athanasouli, C. G. Diniz Behn, V. Booth (published in Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2021)

REU at Georgia Tech

I will be a mentor for the REU program at Georgia Tech during the summer of 2024. In 2023, I co-mentored five undergraduate students on projects in the area of applied mathematics, nonlinear dynamics and energy harvesting with soft electro-active polymers. More information about the REU program can be found here.