Instructional Materials

Images in HTML

This lesson sequence was created for my 10th grade Exploring Computer Science class during their Web Design unit. Students learned about image relevance, citing image sources, and how to insert images into their websites using HTML. When designing presentation material, I made deliberate efforts to use distinct and consistent color codes so students would not get confused with the presented material. Note: This lesson took place before learning about CSS, so there is no instruction to style included images.

Content Presentation

Images in HTML

Lesson Plan

Images in HTML

HTML Reference Sheet (Version 3)

Student Website Samples

Event-Driven Programming

This lesson sequence was created for my 10th grade Exploring Computer Science class during their Intro to Programming unit. Students learned how to create sequences triggered by events other than clicking on the green flag (Scratch's "start button"). The associated project had students create a hand-drawn storyboard to inform a short adventure game that they'd create.

Content Presentation

Event-Driven Programming

Storyboard Graphic Organizer

Website Credibility

This lesson was a part of a sequence created for my 7th grade Computer Technology 7 class during their Google Lessons unit. Students were tasked with becoming detectives for the day, navigating to different websites to determine whether or not they could be used as credible sources. We went over vocabulary as a group before beginning the investigation, and vocabulary sheets were printed out and provided to students.

Assignment Instructions

Website Credibility

Vocabulary Reference Sheet

Website Credibility Vocabulary

Website Credibility Worksheet

Website Credibility Worksheet

LEGO Block Modeling

This lesson was a part of a sequence created for my 8th grade Computer Technology 8 class during their Tinkercad & 3D Printing unit. Students had previously created keychains in Tinkercad to be printed out — a process that starts with the computer and ends in the physical world — but what if you reversed that process? Students were tasked with creating their own small models out of LEGO bricks and, using the actual dimensions of those bricks, recreate their model using Tinkercad.

Content Presentation

LEGO Block Modeling

Sample Student Models


This lesson was a part of a sequence created for my 8th grade Computer Technology 8 class during their Sphero Bolts unit. Students had a large piece of poster paper that they were tasked with creating a map on. They had to use protractors and mathematics to determine the angles of the paths that the Sphero could travel upon (a Sphero Bolt is a small, programmable robot shaped like a sphere). The second day of the lesson had students programming Sphero Bolts to travel over one or both paths, some teams even completing the whole loop!

Content Presentation


Post-Activity Reflection

Triangulation Reflection

Student Sample Work A

Student Sample Work B

Student Sample Work C