Curriculum Vitae

My full curriculum vitae

 Dr Christopher Harrison PhD BSc(Hons) FRAS DipABRSM

Research Interests

Galaxy evolution; Active galactic nuclei; Gas outflows; Galaxy dynamics; Star-forming galaxies; Integral field spectroscopy; Interferometric radio/sub-mm observations; Spectroscopic Surveys; Data sonification (Audio Universe)

See here for my research highlights and related press articles

Publication Summary

First paper in 2012.
Metrics from NASA/ADS: h-index (astronomy papers only): 40
Metrics from Google Scholar (all papers): h-index: 45

Full list: my website and ADS and Google Scholar

Professional Career & Education

2023-                Reader in Astrophysics - Newcastle University, UK

2022-                UKRI Future Leaders Fellow - Newcastle University, UK

2020-2023    NUAcT Fellow - Newcastle University, UK

2017-2019    Research Fellow - European Southern Observatory, Germany

2014-2016    Postdoctoral Researcher - Centre for Extragalactic Astronomy, Durham University, UK

05-11/2014  STFC STEP Fellow - Centre for Extragalactic Astronomy, Durham University, UK

2010-2014    PhD - Durham University, UK

2006-2009    BSc Astrophysics (First Class Honours) - University of Edinburgh, UK

Grants, Research Awards & Facility Allocation

2012+                PI of 22 successful telescope proposals - On world-class ground-based and space-based astronomical facilities: ALMA, APEX, Chandra, ESO-VLT, Gemini, VLA, eMERLIN, IRAM, WHT

2012+                 CoI on 72 successful telescope proposals 

2022-2026 UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship (Round 5) - [1.3 Million GBP]

2024 Global Talent Fund, Newcastle University, Working with University of West Indies on Inclusive Outreach - [1,500 GBP]

2023                    FLF Development Network (PI with Leah Morabito, AGN Populations Across Continents & Cosmic Time) - [24,803 GBP]

2023                    STFC Spark Award (CoI, PI: Vicky Fawcett), Celebrating the History of Telescopes & Astronomy in North East England [13,700 GBP]

2023                    Business Engagement Fund, Newcastle University, Celebrating the History of Telescopes & Astronomy in North East England [6000 GBP]

2022                 Business Engagement Fund , Newcastle University,  Audio Universe Educational Resource Development, [6000 GBP]

2022 Lorentz Centre Workshop,  "The Audible Universe 2" [equivalent to ~25 000 EUR]

2021                 CoI on Kickstarter Grant for Preparing for Astrophysics with LSST, "RubinRhapsodies: Research Inclusion through data accessibility" [32,250 US Dollars]

2021 Lorentz Centre Workshop, Awarded as Co-Chair: "The Audible Universe" [equivalent to ~25 000 EUR]

2020 STFC Spark Award, "An Audible and Tactile Tour of the Universe" [13 200 GBP]

2020                   RAS Public Engagement Award, "An Audible and Tactile Tour of the Universe" [4 250 GBP]

2020-2025     Newcastle Academic Track Fellowship (NuACT), Newcastle University, UK

2017-2019     ESO fellowship, ESO, Germany [~200 000 EUR]

2019                   IAU100 Special Project, "Ambassadors for Astronomy", International  [2 475 EUR]

2019                   Science Support Discretionary Fund, "ESO Summer Research Programme", ESO, Germany [19 400 EUR]

2018                   Science Support Discretionary Fund, "ESO Science Ambassadors", ESO, Germany [8 750 EUR]

2014                   STFC STEP fellowship, Durham University, UK [~20 000 EUR]

Prizes & Recognition

2022       Engagement & Place Awards, Early Career Academic Winner (Newcastle University)

2019                   ESO Recognition Award (for the inception of the ESO Summer Research Programme)

2018                   Highlight ESO Fellow in ESO's Annual Report 2018

2015                   Springer Thesis Prize - Annual prize for 4 astronomy theses world-wide 

2014                   Physics Prize - Best physics PhD (Durham University)

2013                   Keith Nicholas Prize - Outstanding overall performance in PhD (Durham University) 

2009                   Ramsay Memorial Prize & John Lang Scholarship - Highest/second highest mark in Senior Honours Astrophysics/Physics  (University of Edinburgh) 

2008                   Emerson Memorial Prize & Nichol Foundation Scholarship - Highest mark in Junior Honours Physics and Astrophysics (University of Edinburgh) 

2006                   Margaret Campbell Scott Bursary - Top ten entrance qualifications into physics  (University of Edinburgh)

Public Engagement, Outreach and EDI

I have created and delivered public engagement programmes and activities across the world, with an increasing focus on Equality Diversity and Inclusion. See Here for details.

Advising & Mentoring (Postgraduates and Postdocs)

2021- PhD Progression Panel - 5 students to day (Newcastle)

2023-         Primary advisor, PhD student - Rose Shepherd (Newcastle/Northumbria, with Paul Vickers)

2022-                  Advisor, PostDocs - Vicky Fawcett, Ann Njeri , Ivan Almeida (Newcastle)

2022- Second advisor, PhD student - Houda Haidar (Newcastle, with David Rosario), Thesis papers: Paper 1

2020-2024      Joint advisor, PhD student - Samuel Ward (ESO/Newcastle, with Vincenzo Mainieri & Tiago Costa), Thesis papers: Paper 1

2019-2023      Primary advisor, PhD student - Aishwarya Girdhar (ESO/Newcastle, with Vincenzo Mainieri), Thesis papers: Paper 1, Paper 2

2021-2022      Primary advisor, MPhil student - Sean Dougherty, Project published

2020-2024      Second advisor, PhD students- Patrick O'Neill (Newcastle University, with Anne Archibald & Adam Ingram)

2020-2021 Primary advisor, MRes student - Andrew Garner

2017-2020      Primary advisor, PhD student - Miranda Jarvis (ESO, with Vincenzo Mainieri), Thesis papers: Paper 1, Paper 2, Paper 3

2019-2020      Joint advisor, PhD student - Isabella Lamperti (1 year placement @ ESO, with Vincenzo Mainieri), Project Published.

2018-2019      Primary advisor, Student internship, Stephen Molyneux (ESO), Project Published.

2017-2019      Scientific mentor, PhD students - Chiara Circosta, Owen Turner, Kshama Kurian (ESO)

2017-2018      Primary advisor, PhD student - Jan Scholtz (1 year placement @ ESO), Thesis papers: Paper 1, Paper 2, Paper 3

2018-2020      Joint advisor, PhD student  - Jan Scholtz (Durham Uni., with Dave Alexander & David Rosario) 

2015-2017      Joint advisor, PhD student  - Helen Johnson (Durham Uni., with Mark Swinbank) , Thesis papers: Paper 1, Paper 2

2012-2016      Joint advisor, PhD student - Flora Stanley (Durham Uni., with Dave Alexander), Thesis papers: Paper 1, Paper 2, Paper 3 

Teaching (University and School)

2022-                  Lecturer Second Year Observational Astronomy (Newcastle University)

2023-2024      MPhys project - Dan Jackson-Thomas, Multi-phase outflows at Cosmic Noon with VLA, JWST and VLT (Newcastle University)

2022-2023      BSc Projects - Jacob Kaid and Moshin Manzoor, Exploring Red Quasars (Newcastle University)

2021-2022      MPhys project - Rose Hinz, Spectral Audification of Galaxy Spectra, published in RAS Techniques and Instrumentation (Newcastle University)

2020-2021 MPhys project - Tom Mitchell, HARMONI simulations (Newcastle University)

2020-2021      BSc project, Jack Tucker Brown, Astronify Testing, published in MNRAS (Newcastle University)

2023                 Undergraduate summer project - Vibha Gaddi & Liv McCready , Space Investigators preparation (Newcastle University)

2022                 Undergraduate summer project - Eve Murray, History of Telescopes and Astronomy in North East England, led to successful STFC Spark Award (Newcastle University)

2019                    Undergraduate summer project - Tania Machado, HARMONI Simulations (ESO, with Anita Zanella)

2016                    Undergraduate project, Josh Borrow , Galaxy Makers Website (Durham Uni.)

2014-2015      Postgraduate data reduction lectures and workshops - (Durham Uni.)

2013-2014      Undergraduate course marking co-ordinator (Level 1) - (Durham Uni.)

2011-2016      Joint advisor, undergraduate projects - H. Earnshaw; H. Preston; S. Murray (Durham Uni., with Dave Alexander) 

2012-2014      Physics and maths tutor  - For  students aged 14-18 (Durham)

2011-2012      Level 1 undergraduate physics tutor - (Durham Uni.) 

2009                   English teaching, summer school - (Guilin, China)

2009                   Student Associates Scheme (Training & Development Agency, UK) - 15 days training/experience as a science teacher (Stokesley Secondary School)

Professional Responsibilities

2015+                 Scientific journal referee  - AJ, ApJ, MNRAS, RASTI, Nature, A&A, British Journal of Visual Impairment

2020+                 Expert Observing and Grant Proposal Reviewer (UKRI; eMERLIN; ALMA/ACA)

2021+                 Co-Lead of Newcastle-Durham Accretion Alliance (with Dave Alexander). 

2023+                 Ethics Review Committee for Science, Agriculture and Engineering Faculty (Newcastle University)  

2022+                 Equality Diversity and Inclusion Committee panel for staff hires (Newcastle University)

2022+                 Leader of Astrophysics and Observational Cosmology Research Group (Newcastle University)

2024                    Scientific Chair (with Leah Morabito) - AGN Populations Across Continents & Cosmic Time

2022 Scientific Chair (with Anita Zanella) - Audible Universe 2 workshop, Lorentz Centre, Netherlands

2022                    Scientific Organising Committee - National Astronomical Meeting AGN Session - Warwick, UK

2022                    Scientific Organising Committee  - What Drives the Growth of Black Holes?: A Decade of Reflection , Iceland

2020-2021      Equality Diversity and Inclusion Committee (School of Maths, Stats and Physics, Newcastle University)

2021 Scientific Chair - Audible Universe workshop, Lorentz Centre, online

2021,2022 Scientific Organising Committee - DEX XVII and XVIII, UK (Remote and Durham)

2020                    Scientific Organising Committee  - Stellar & Gas Kinematics in Galaxies across cosmic time, connecting observations with theory, EAS Annual Meeting, Leiden, Netherlands 

2019                    Creator and Organiser (with 2 co-chairs) of first ever ESO Summer Research Programme, student reactions in ESOblog (23rd August 2019) 

2019                    Chair & Scientific Organising Committee - "Resolving the impact of AGN on galaxies using observations and simulations", EWASS 2019, Lyon, France

2018                    ESO OPC Scientific Assistant - Working for the time allocation committee 

2018                    Local Organising Committee - “Are AGN special?” workshop, Durham

2018-2019      Science team for VLT MOONS instrument 

2017-2018      ESO Fellow Representative - Contact point, fellow/student welfare, etc. 

2017                    Co-chair  of Scientific Organising Committee - “Reality and Myths of AGN Feedback” workshop, Leiden 

2016-                  Science team for ELT MOSAIC instrument - Providing science cases for instrument design

2016                    Local Organising Committee - “Hidden Monsters 2016” workshop, Dartmouth 

2014-2016      Local Organising Committee  - Annual Durham-Edinburgh eXtragalactic Workshops 

2012                    Local Organising Committee  - “Black Hole Feedback 2012” workshop, Dartmouth 

Professional Membership

2023+       BIG STEM Communicators Network

2020+               International Astronomical Union

2020+               Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society

2018+               European Astronomical Society

Training and Development

Leadership training & development (attended, in last 5 years):
360 Feedback (over 2 months)
Active Bystander (3 sessions over 6 months);
Inclusive leadership (5 sessions over 8 months);
Diversifying leadership (2 sessions over 2 months);
EDI essentials, inclusive requirement, and unconscious bias (online, re-cap every ~1 year). 

Training & mentoring created/delivered:
Joy of Research (2018+): wellbeing and resilience - 1.5 hour workshop delivered in person and online for multiple institutes (~3 times year)
Inclusive leadership panelist (2021) - North East Universities
Initiated on-going postgraduate mentoring scheme (2021)  -  School of Math, Statistics and Physics at Newcastle University
Created new leadership training programme for students and fellows (2017) -  European Southern Observatory

Seminars and Conference Talks

2024                   Invited Talk, Conference: "Caribbean Future of Science Symposium" (to discuss sonification and accessibility), Tobago 

2023               Contributed Talk,  Workshop: "BIG STEM Interactive Group Event 2023", Bristol, UK

2023                  Invited Talk, Conference: "The importance of jet-induced feedback on galaxy scales", Leiden, Netherlands

2023                  Invited Seminar, Bath University, UK

2023                  Invited Talk, Conference: "Waves & Instabilities in the Solar Atmosphere", UK

2023       Invited Talk, Conference:  "AGN on the beach: the many facets of fuelling and feedback in jetted AGN", Italy

2023       Invited Talk, Conference:  "Black hole winds at all scales" (IAU Symposium 378)

2022       Invited Seminar, Liverpool John Moores University, UK

2022               Invited Talk, Workshop: "The Ecosystem of Massive Halos Across Cosmic Time", UK

2022       Invited Talk, "Sci-Art", NAM,  UK

2022       Invited Seminar, Sheffield University, UK

2022       Contributed Talk, "ED&I in Astronomy: what are we doing now, and what still needs to be done?", NAM, UK

2022       Contributed Talk, "Insights into galaxy evolution from radio observations and simulations from current radio facilities in the lead up to the SKA", NAM, UK

2022       Contributed Talk, "Diversity and Inclusion in European Astronomy", EAS, Spain

2022       Invited Talk, Workshop: "Galaxy Evolution Workshop", University College London,  UK

2022               Invited Talk, Conference: "Round Table on Information Access for People with Print Disabilities", Australia/Online

2022               Invited Seminar,  Technical University of Denmark (DTU Space, online)

2021       Invited Seminar, Armagh Observatory (online)

2021       Invited Seminar, IUCAA, India (online)

2021       Contributed Talk, "New approaches to astronomy and geophysics education and outreach", Royal Astronomical Society National Astronomy Meeting 2021, (online)

2021       Contributed Talk, "Beyond 1D", Royal Astronomical Society National Astronomy Meeting 2021, (online)

2021       Invited Seminar, Durham IFU Club, UK

2021       Contributed Talk (2x), Communicating Astronomy to the Public 2021, (online)

2021      Contributed Talk, Workshop: DEX-VII, UK

2021       Invited Talk, AAS Conference: "Increasing Access to Astronomical Data Through Sound: Current Landscape and Future Directions", USA/Online

2020       Invited Seminar, ASTRON/JIVE, Netherlands (Remote)

2020                  Invited Seminar, SNS, Pisa, Italy (Remote)

2020                  Invited Talk - Conference, IAU359, "Galaxy Evolution and Feedback across Different Environments", Brazil

2019                  Invited Seminar, SISSA, Trieste, Italy

2019                  Contributed Talk - IAU356, "Nuclear activity in galaxies across cosmic time", Ethiopia

2019                  Invited Talk - Conference: "Demographics of Supermassive Black Holes across the Universe", Hawaii, USA

2019                  Invited Talk - Conference: "Supermassive Black Holes: Environment and Evolution", Greece

2019                  Presented Poster- European Week of Astronomy and Space Science, France

2019                  Contributed Talk - European Week of Astronomy and Space Science, France

2019                  Invited Talk - Workshop: "MOSAIC 2019", Germany

2019                  Invited Talk - Conference: "Linking galaxies from epoch of initial star formation to today", Australia

2018                  Invited Seminar - Manchester University, UK 

2018                  Invited Seminar - Durham University, UK 

2018                  Invited Talk - ESO Workshop: “KMOS@5”, Germany 

2018                  Contributed Talk - Conference: “Are AGN Special?”, UK 

2018                  Invited Talk - Conference: “Birth, life and fate of massive galaxies”, Italy 

2018                  Invited Talk - European Week of Astronomy and Space Science, UK 

2017                  Contributed Talk - RAS Meeting: “The link between AGN and galaxy formation”, UK 

2017                  Invited Talk - Workshop: “In & Out, what rules the galaxy baryon cycle?”, Germany 

2017                  Contributed Talk - Conference: “Flow of Baryons through Galaxies”, Germany 

2017                  Invited Talk - European Week of Astronomy and Space Science, Czech Republic 

2016                  Contributed Talk - Conference: “The fate of gas flows in galaxies”, Italy 

2015                  Contributed Talk - Conference: “Accretion and Black Hole Feedback”, China 

2015                  Contributed Talk - Workshop: “DEX XI”, UK 

2014                  Invited Seminar - University of Sheffield, UK 

2014                  Contributed Talk - Conference: “Powerful AGN”, Australia 

2014                  Invited Talk - Conference: “The Fate of Gas in Galaxies”, UK 

2013                  Invited Seminar - PUC, Chile 2013 

2013                  Invited Seminar - Warwick University, UK 

2013                  Invited Seminar - Nottingham Uni., UK 

2013                  Invited Talk - IAU Symposium: “Multi-wavelength AGN Surveys”, Armenia 

2013                  Contributed Talk - Workshop: DEX IX, UK 

2013                  Invited Talk - Workshop: “The Triggering Mechanisms of AGN”, Netherlands 

2012                  Contributed Talk - Conference: “Blackhole Feedback 2012”, USA 

2012                  Presented Poster - Conference: “National Astronomy Meeting”, UK 2011 Presented Poster - Conference: “Galaxy Formation”, UK