Chris Ott Hub
Christopher Jonathan Ott - Official Site
Talks, books, essays, video channels and blogs of philosopher Chris Ott
Chris Ott is an American philosopher. His principal theory is called the evolution of perception. This site serves as a hub with links to all his relevant books, papers and videos.
EOP TRILOGY: The three original books on the evolution of perception concept (2025)
A collector's edition of the original three books on the concept of an evolution of perception. It includes The Evolution of Perception and the Cosmology of Substance (2004), Evolution of Perception Re-Explained (2021), and Further Reflections (2024).
In 2004 Christopher Ott introduced an extremely new approach to understanding the origin and formation of the Universe, one which addresses metaphysical conundrums that have stymied philosophers and theologians alike for millennia. Instead of positing a metaphysical causal entity – either a theoretical original substance or particle, or a theoretical personal deity, Ott explores the possibility of an evolution of perceptual schemas, modes of perceiving that we can readily observe operating in our experiential organisation every day. The idea is radical. Yet it resorts to neither the growing anti-God vitriol nor its accompanying cynical nihilism. A hopeful new paradigm for the future, supported by the previously enigmatic sayings of ancient sages as well as possibilities considered by numerous philosophers down through the ages. The idea is not for everyone, but for a few bold thinkers this might turn out to be the ‘third way’ they have been looking for.
Published Books
Further Reflections: A discussion of the concept of the evolution of perception with a deep dive into the subject of causation (November 2024 book) (Free PDF Download) Thinking that leads to the evolution of perception is explored. Published November 21, 2024.
Evolution of Perception Re-Explained: A Radical New View of Reality (2021 book) (Free PDF Download) A much more fleshed out explanation of the concept of the evolution of perception. Published February 25, 2021.
Intelligence Notebooks, by Meher Baba, edited by Chris Ott (2012 book) (Free PDF Download) A book by Meher Baba edited by Chris Ott from scans of the original handwritten fair copy discovered in India in 1969. Published free online August 6, 2012.
The Evolution of Perception & the Cosmology of Substance: A Simpler Theory of Everything (2004 book) (Free PDF Download) The original book introducing the evolution of perception concept. Published June 24, 2004.
Video Playlists
The God Dilemma Series of 3 talks recorded from 9/23/24 to 12/4/24.
The Psychic Emergent Universe Series of 5 talks recorded from 10/28/23 to 12/15/23.
Metaphysics Series of 20 talks recorded from 6/1/23 to 10/3/23.
On Meher Baba Series of 23 talks recorded from 2/14/23 to 5/29/23.
On Cause Series of 11 talks recorded from 3/8/20 to 5/26/20.
Talks With Kerry Series of 11 talks recorded from 10/29/19 to 12/17/19.
Baba and the Future Series of 11 talks recorded from 1/1/18 to 4/16/18.
Christopher Ott, Meher Baba, Philosophy, Chris Ott, Books, Perception, Spirituality, Meher Center
Essentials of a Spiritual Metaphysics (A collection of essays, 2009)
A God Speaks Interpretation of Lord of the Rings
What I Think the Intelligence Notebooks Are
Meher Baba and the New Physics
What Went Wrong With the New Physics
What Went Wrong With the New Physics Part II
Refutations of Idealism (My Master of Arts, 2001.)
Sanskaras, Karma, Maya, & Consciousness
Spiritual Death and Spiritual Life
Infinite Intelligence Analogies
Meditations on becoming heart smart
Positive and Negative Skepticism
Notes on Philosophy - 1 (These notes collected and bound in 2001 constitute my thinking while in graduate school.)
Modern Western Misconception About Reincarnation
Clarification Regarding "Further Reflections" (A short addendum to Further Reflections, 12/5/24)
The Factor of Time (Added 2/1/25)
Ten questions Idealists don’t even try to answer (Added 2/11/25)
Video Channels
YOUTUBE: (Main Christopher Ott Channel)
YOUTUBE: (Backup)
Blogs (This blog began as a Meher Baba trivia blog and morphed into a blog about the prodigy soprano Amira Willighagen and other young talents. If you scroll far enough down the right column you can still find the Baba posts near the bottom.) (My friends and I are getting old. The title of this blog implies posts I hope people in the future will read, even if there is little interest in them now. Hence the title, "Letters to the Living.") (A blog I created as a follow-on for a talk series I gave in Myrtle Beach from Jan to April, 2018, titled "Baba and the Future.") (A blog I created that slowly came to be a placeholder for my remarks about channeling and other paranormal things.) (A Google site I created as a follow-on for Evolution of Perception Re-Explained. The web address is also on page 254 of the 2021 book under the heading "Further Reading.")
Photos of Chris Ott Picture Biography Mirror Site Principal Works of Meher Baba
From filmmaker to philosopher
Filmmaker: In an earlier career directing on the set of "The Setting Sun," 1987, with cinematographer Phedon Papamichael. In later years, Phedon was twice nominated for the Academy Award for Best Cinematography.
Philosopher: Photo taken of me by my daughter in 2004 when I was first thinking through my ideas during the writing of Evolution of Perception in Arkansas. I was 44. One can see the connection between my idea and cinema.
2004 – 2024 Twenty Years, Three Books, One Theme
The Evolution of Perception: A simpler theory of everything – June 24, 2004
Evolution of Perception Re-Explained: A radical new view of reality – February 25, 2021
Further Reflections: A discussion of the concept of the evolution of perception with a deep dive into the subject of causation – November 21, 2024