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Congratulations to Saniya Virani for passing her OP and becoming a PhD candidate. Well done!


Congratulations to Ruilin Yu for passing her OP and becoming a PhD candidate. Well done!


Congratulations to Armen and all co-authors for their review published in ACS Measurement Science Au. Good collaboration with others in the lab in writing this paper Matthew Muhoberac, Randolph, Caitlin Elizabeth, Beveridge, Connor Hammond, Prageeth R Wijewardhane (Guest) along with Hillka K. Well done!


Congratulations to Victoria  Wendt who was accepted in Purdue Chemistry PhD Program and has just accepted the offer as well. I am excited that Victoria will do her PhD in Purdue Chemistry. Well done!


Congratulations to Armen for his paper that was recently accepted in Analytical Chemistry. Here are the accepted files. Well done!


Please join me in welcoming new MS students to the lab from Statistics and Computer Science. Aditya Avinash Kangune (Stats); Atharva Abhijeet Parikh (Stats) ; and Vakharia, Nirvi (CS) who are working on projects related to 3D alignment of brain MSI and imaging data as well as large language model applications in chemistry and biology. Welcome to the lab and wish you a successful year ahead!


Please join me in welcoming (officially) new Chemistry graduate students to the lab. Mayuri ; Gabriel ; Behnaz ; Luisa (joint with Lyudmila Slipchenko) and Pranav (joint with Phil Low).Welcome to the lab and wish you a successful year ahead!


Congratulations to Caitlin Randolph and all co-authors (Palak, Harshit, Sanjay N, Pooja, Connor Hammond) for acceptance of the Single Cell Lipidomics Review in Trends in Analytical Chemistry (TrAC journal). The title of the paper is - Mass Spectrometry-based Single-Cell Lipidomics: Advancements, Challenges, and the Path Forward!


Big Congratulations to Professor Gaurav Chopra! He has been selected as an AnalytiXIN Fellow in Life Sciences and Manufacturing. AnalytiXIN is building a community that encourages collaboration between academia, manufacturing, and life sciences. AnalytiXIN was established to develop a community, including a place-focused collaboration hub in Indianapolis that will strengthen connections and encourage engagement of academic data science R&D talent with their industry peers to drive sustained innovation within Indiana. Well-deserved!


Congratulations to Pooja for being elected as Secretary in our Graduate Student Advisory Board (GSAB)!!!


CONGRATULATIONS Dr. Armen Beck!!!! Beck, Armen answered questions in the closed session, even hard ones, and passed his exam. Great job all around!!


Congratulations to Saniya for passing all her cume exams. In addition, she is a co-author on the paper accepted for publication in PLoS One - "Variability in phenylalanine side chain conformations facilitates broad substrate tolerance of fatty acid binding in cockroach milk proteins." Well done! Preprint -


Please join me in congratulating Armen for accepting a job offer from Merck & Co., Inc. in their Predictive Sciences, Small Molecule AR&D group. Wonderful news!!


CONGRATULATIONS Dr. Prageeth R. Wijewardhane !!!! Prageeth answered questions in open and closed session and we all had important discussion in closed session.


I am happy to share the news that Jitika  Rajpoot has passed her Prelims in PULSe and is now a PhD candidate. Well done and Congratulations!!


Please join me in congratulating Prageeth Wijewardhane for accepting a job offer from Bristol Myers Squibb (BMS) as Scientist, Machine Learning, Molecular Discovery as part of the Informatics and Predictive Sciences group. Wonderful news!!


Congratulations to Prageeth  Wijewardhane and Jonathan Fine (Guest) for the acceptance of their paper in Pharmaceutical Research (AAPS Journal). Attached is the accepted manuscript and supporting information. Prageeth and Jonathan. Congratulations to you both!!