Karl Heisenberg X Choco
First Meeting
T-Pose: Karl absolutely knows of Choco's weaknesses, and abuses this knowledge way too often. May it be whispering or breathing on her ear, being cornered by him or just sweet german romantic words. He knows exactly how to make Choco flustered.
Thor's Hammer: Whenever Choco wants to show how strong she is, Karl offers her to carry his hammer. This always ends in a pouting Choco and a laughing Karl. She already tried to carry this thing, and it brought her almost to the ground (Karl catched her, luckily)
Grrrr: Karl and Choco are both angry gremlins, who swear. A lot. So, if you manage to provocate one of them (which is very easy-), you got two swearing angry gremlins for the price of one! But different then Choco, Karl also can get violent, so she has to hold him back sometimes.