Dan Heng X Choco
First Meeting
Relationship Dynamic
While Choco can be a ray of sunshine, but also a storm within, Dan Heng is more grounded, logical and calm.
And so, he is one of the main beings, who can easily calm down Choco, when she is hyperemotional again.
But he also gives her a lot of advice. Like, for example, how to deal with mean people!
In return, Choco often shows Dan Heng how to relax or how to let himself go.
He is sometimes too strict and too stiff, and so, she wants him to relax more often.
However, Choco makes a lot of stupid (and flustered) jokes around him, and those are the only jokes that can make him chuckle.
He might be serious and distant. But he is loyal to Choco and would do anything to defend her.
And when the two are alone, he feels like he can be more gentle with himself, and more open with her.
The Reveal
Warnings: Implied Death, Fluff to Angst to Fluff
It was a calm day in Wildblumenburg.
The birds were singing their song, as Dan Heng and Choco walked through the nearby forest, enjoying the sun.
The two were a couple for a few weeks now. And while Choco was still lovey dovey like on the first day, Dan Heng seemed a bit on the edge.
And Choco? She didn't notice at first.
She thought he was always like this.
She thought it was because this relationship was still fresh and new.
She didn't notice the angel hidden in the woods.
Sent by Seraphim themselves to kill her.
And for all.
The two lovebirds found a calm place to be romantic. Choco pushed Dan Heng against the tree, looking at him with a smug smirk.
He panted a bit, enjoying her attitude.
And before he lost himself in her violet eyes, he saw it.
A blue-winged angel with dead eyes.
Trying to prepare an Attack on Choco with an arrow made of light.
Before Choco could react, Dan Heng quickly switched places with her.
As her back hit the tree and she looked to a gasping Dan Heng, she saw it.
A light arrow through his chest.
And as if she herself was shot, her heart ached.
No. It couldn't end like this.
Not here.
Not now.
Suddenly however, as she sobbed heavily, she felt warm hands on both her shoulders.
"Hey, hey, Choco... calm down, I'm still alive. Look at me. Breathe."
And as Choco looked at Dan Heng again, she couldn't believe her eyes.
He looked so... different. Green horns, a dragon tail, those glowing eyes...
But it was him.
The arrow has dissappeared, and he just looked worried at her.
The angel was gone, and left a gorgeous Dragon behind.
Choco was in awe. She didn't know of Dan Heng's true form, until now.
But she wasn't angry of him keeping his secret.
Instead, she hugged him tightly, crying her eyes out in relief, while he hugged her back with his arms and his tail.
"You- you idiot!! I thought you would die-"
Choco still cried, while Dan Heng rocked her a bit, still hugging her.
"Don't worry, Choco. I know what I'm doing. I won't leave you like that."
And so, the two lovebirds calmed down slowly, hugging tightly and holding each other in their arms.
And Choco knew, as she listened to her beloved's heartbeat and breath:
He was alive.
He was well.
And he was right.
He wouldn't leave her that easily.
Meme Storm: Choco LOVES sending Dan Heng lots of cute memes and funny videos. She also writes with keyboard smashes, emoticons and gifs. Dan Heng writes how he acts: No emoticons, no gifs, just his honest reactions. And if he uses an emoji, it's a very rare occassion, which makes Choco super happy.
First Aid: Since Dan Heng thought he had to reanimate Choco at the first time they met, Choco still makes flirty remarks on how she needs "mouth-to-mouth" sometimes (meaning kisses).
Stolen Clothes: Dan Heng sometimes steals Choco's clothes. Since he is a subspecies of a dragon, he sometimes needs to hoard stuff. And mostly, Choco's clothes are victim of that. So, just imagine a Dan Heng sleeping, hugging Choco's clothes, which still smell like her. That's basically it. - Since Choco needs her clothes still, she began to offer Dan Heng her many plushies to hoard. They smell like her as well, and also are made specifically for cuddling!