Chilterns Weekend Walkers

CWW news

Chair's four legs

CWW chair Tim Axten has hiked his way to a club record by leading four walks in four days.  His 'Chair's four legs' walks attracted big turnouts over the New Year, with 79 walkers covering a combined distance of 587 miles.

The idea was to create the excitement of a long weekend away, but set it in our own back yard as a 'Chiltern staycation'.

A chance encounter with a bird of prey

Tim's odyssey began on Friday 29th December with a 9-miler from Little Marlow.

It started with the treat of a chance encounter with a falconer out with his American red-tailed hawk.  "It was a magnificent sight," said Tim. 

"We walked through fields on our way to Marlow.  Although we caught a shower, it stopped in time for us to enjoy a picnic lunch on seating overlooking the Thames, and the sun came out.

"After lunch we followed the Thames to Spade Oak, then walked around the lake on our way back to the start."

Walkers salute Steve Redgrave at his statue in Marlow

Walkers salute rower Steve Redgrave at his statue in Marlow

Saturday morning saw 24 walkers set out from Great Kingshill in driving rain.  But after a damp lunch stop at Widmer End the skies had cleared enough for the group to sit outside during a coffee stop at Hughenden Community Cafe before a steady climb back to the start.   A tree decorated with baubles provided a festive backdrop for a group photo.

Bauble tree at Widmer End

On New Years Eve 20 walkers turned out for the 7.5 mile walk from Lane End which took them through fields and woodland to Turville for a picnic stop.

Walkers in Turville

The rain held off until the return via Hanover Hill.  "All returned safe and happy despite the conditions towards the end of the walk," said Tim.

New Years Day brought better weather as Tim led 16 walkers on a 7.25 mile route from Ley Hill heading down into the Chess Valley. 

Chess Valley

Celebrations were in order after the group clambered over seven stiles on the way back to Ley Hill, where the Crown pub had recently reopened.  "Many of the group stayed for a sociable drink," said Tim.  "We were lucky with the weather as it didn't rain until after we left the pub."

Not including group holidays, no other leader has put on four walks over four consecutive days in CWW's 18-year history.   It's an even more remarkable achievement in the light of Tim's recent heath challenges.   He confided: "After the first walk, I found myself with a painfully stiff knee and I was wondering how I was going to get through the rest.  In the end, I managed it with the help of a knee support, Ibuprofen and sheer adrenalin.  By the end, I felt much better and was very happy with the achievement." 

Apart from Tim and backmarker Hannah, Ian Pryor was the only person to complete all four walks.  He said:  "After all the rain throughout December the walks were always going to be soggy underfoot and that was certainly the case.   At any time of year the Chilterns give us much delight and Tim's selections took in some great parts.   My favourite is always around the Chess Valley but we had four great walks and I'm sure everyone enjoyed them.  So it was a great way to say goodbye to 2023 and welcome 2024.  Once again, many thanks to Tim and Hannah."