
July 2025

Chiara will deliver a semi-plenary lecture at the 16th World Congress on Computational Mechanics and 4th Pan American Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM-PANACM) in Vancouver.

Chiara received a four-year award from the European Office of Aerospace Research and Development (EOARD) to investigate sustainable welded thermoplastic post-buckled composite structures.


June 2024

European project H2020 SUSTAINair ended with a two-day event in Vienna, bringing together over a hundred stakeholders including scientists, experts, and key voices in the field of sustainable aviation as well as materials research from across Europe and beyond.

Congratulations to Kevin for having his paper published on Composites Science and Technology. This work on curved butt-joint stiffened thermoplastic composite panels is collaborative with GKN Fokker and Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation.


May 2024

Professor Mary Frecker, head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Professor Lorraine Dowler, Associate Head Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, and two PhD students of Penn State University visited us for two weeks. Chiara, principal investigators of the ERC NABUCCO, and Mary and Lorraine, co-principal investigators of an NSF grant, started a NSF-ERC collaboration. The two research groups are studying adaptive shape changing structures in two different contexts, additively manufactured medical devices and composite aerospace structures. The collaboration includes also a study of diverse leadership in engineering teams.

Congratulations to Kevin van Dooren who defended his PhD thesis entitled “Thermoplastic composite stiffened structures in post-buckling” at TU Delft!

April 2024

Congratulation to Giovanni and Matteo for defending their Master thesis. Giovanni graduated cum laude!

Welcome to new PhD student Jixuan Yi! Jixuan has won a PhD scholarship from the China Scholarship Council and will work on the design of 3D printing morphing wings based on buckling phenomena and physic-informed neural network method.

Welcome to the new Master students who joined the group: Luca Galloni and Augusto Lima!

Congratulations to Javier and Antonio, previous post-doc at TU Delft, for having published their paper entitled “Study of conduction welded C-struts for a thermoplastic composite fuselage”. The research had partially received funding from the Clean Sky 2 project STUNNING.

Chiara was invited at the University of Southampton as member of the Independent Advisory Board of the EPSRC-funded research project “Certification for Design: Reshaping the Testing Pyramid (CerTest)” led by the University of Bristol with partners from the University of Bath, University of Exeter and University of Southampton.


March 2024

Chiara gave a presentation at the Training School on Computational Modelling and Advanced Design Approaches (COMADA), final event of the COST Action “Optimising Design for Inspection - ODIN”, at the University of Belgrade.

Welcome to Riccardo Cinquetti, new Master student who joined the group.


February 2024

Chiara has been nominated in the working group of the European Cooperation for Space Standardization (ECSS) for the update of the handbook on buckling of structures. The kick-off meeting is at the European Space Agency (ESA) Head Quarter in Paris.


January 2024

Welcome to new post-doc Dr. Xi Li! Xi joins us from the Delft University of Technology, where she completed her PhD, and will work on the NABUCCO project.

At the AIAA SciTech conference in Orlando, the PhD student Michelle Rudd won the “Lockheed Martin Student Paper Award in Structures”: congratulations, Michelle!

Dr. Sathiskumar Anusuya Ponnusami of City University of London, visited us for two weeks. Sathis received an UK-Italy Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence Researcher Award from the Alan Turing Institute. The program aims to generate collaborations, facilitate knowledge exchange and explore new or emerging research topics in data science, and we are excited to start this new collaboration!


December 2023

Chiara is giving an invited talk at the Italian Cultural Institute in Amsterdam for the celebration of the Third Italian National Space Day “Interstellar Connections: Italy, The Netherlands, Europe”.


November 2023

Welcome to new PhD student Manfredi Schiera! Manfredi will work on the “Scalability of local and global instability and damage tolerance of honeycomb sandwich composite structures” project, co-funded by Leonardo and PNRR (National Recovery and Resilience Plan financed by Next Generation EU).

Congratulations to Thomas, PhD student at the University of Bath, for having his paper published on Composites Part A. Chiara co-supervised the research, that develops a new joining technique of thermoset composites via resistance welding.

Chiara was interviewed by RAI Tre. The interview was broadcast on the program “Fuori TG”. Chiara was also interviewed by Radio 24 for the program “Smart City”.


October 2023

Chiara has been invited to give a keynote presentation at the 38th American Society of Composites (ASC) Technical Conference in Boston, September 18-20, 2023.

Congratulations to Kevin for having his paper entitled “Design, analysis and testing of thermoplastic welded stiffened panels to investigate skin-stringer separation in post-buckling” accepted on Composites Part B: Engineering.

Chiara was interviewed by Corriere della Sera (Milano edition). The journalist entitled the article “Restituisco qualcosa al Paese, serve un respiro internazionale (I give something back to the country, we need an international breath)”.


September 2023

Welcome to new PhD student Sebastian Stammel! Sebastian is the first PhD student of the new group at POLIMI, and will work on the NABUCCO project.

Welcome to Pranav Karthik Gnanavadivel, new Master student who joined the group.

Chiara presented a paper of the NABUCCO project at the XXVII Congresso Internazionale dell’Associazione Italiana di Aeronautica ed Astronautica (AIDAA) in Padova. The paper is entitled “Can We Use Buckling to Design Adaptive Composite Wings?”

Arne, PhD student at TU Delft, presented at the 9th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on the Mechanical Response of Composites (ECCOMAS Composites 2023) in Trapani.


August 2023

Chiara presented a paper of the NABUCCO project at the 23rd International Conference on Composites Materials (ICCM) in Belfast. The paper is entitled “Adaptive Buckling-Driven Composite Structures for Next Generation Aircraft” and was presented in the main auditorium of the conference center.


July 2023

Congratulations to Lucas Kootte who defended his PhD thesis entitled “A methodology to reproduce postbuckling in composite panels to study skin stringer separation” at TU Delft!

Welcome to the new Master students who joined the group at POLIMI: Giovanni Gigliotti and Matteo Cremaschi.


May 2023

The ERC Advanced Grant project NABUCCO “New Adaptive and BUCkling-driven COmposite aerospace structures” is starting on May 1! We are excited to work on this high risk-high gain research project for the next five years!

Congratulations to Bas Tijs who defended his PhD thesis entitled “Analysis of thermoplastic composites and conduction welded joints” at TU Delft!


April 2023

Chiara starts her new position as Professor at the Department of Aerospace Science and Technology at the Politecnico di Milano. She keeps a Guest Professor position at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering at the Delft University of Technology.

Chiara was invited to give a presentation at the Pegasus Symposium on Aerospace Education at the Universita’ La Sapienza in Rome. The presentation is entitled “Teaching and Research: Friends or Enemies?”


January 2022

Chiara was knighted in the Order of the Star of Italy! She is Cavaliere dell'Ordine della «Stella d'Italia», honor given by the Italian President Mattarella.

September 2021

Chiara is giving an invited Keynote Lecture at the American Society for Composites (ASC) 36th Annual Technical Virtual Conference, Composites Ingenuity Taking on Challenges in Environment-Energy-Economy, organized by Texas A&M University, on September 19.

The group has four papers at the ASC 36th Annual Technical Virtual Conference. Nithya, Antonio, Kevin and Kaat will present their research at the conference.

Welcome to the new Master student who joined the group: Rene Leino.

July 2021

Congratulations to former student Jiayao for having the paper from her Master thesis accepted for publication in Aerospace Science and Technology.

Congratulations to former student Inigo for having the paper from his Master thesis accepted for publication in Journal of Composite Materials. 

We successfully completed the fatigue test campaign for the ONR project! Congratulations to Javier Paz Méndez and Antonio Raimondo for the great tests. 

May 2021

Congratulation to Kaat who defended her Master thesis and received 9.5/10 ! Kaat will graduate in September after her internship at Airbus Defense and Space, that was postponed due to the pandemic situation. 

April 2021

Chiara was invited to be part of the Editorial Board of Composites Part B: Engineering. 

Congratulations to Marta for having her first paper accepted for publication in Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures.

March 2021

Chiara was announced as one of the Class of 2021 AIAA Fellows. Thank you to all my Master students, PhD students, Post-Docs,  collaborators and funding agencies that contributed towards achieving this honor!

February 2021

Welcome to new post-doc Dr. Javier Paz Méndez! Javier joins us from University of A Coruña, Spain, and will work together with Antonio on the ONR project on fatigue life of post-buckled composite structures.

Congratulation to Arne who graduated cum laude! Arne will start his PhD with us on March 1. He will work on the SUSTANair project.

Congratulations to Javier Gutierrez Alvarez for having his paper accepted for publication in the journal Aerospace.

Welcome to the new Master student who joined the group: Sean Dunbar. Sean is a student of Space Engineering, and is co-supervised with the group Space Systems Engineering. 

On February 25, Chiara, Antonio and Marta will give presentations at the Research Day Event, organized by the Italian Embassy in the Netherlands. The theme of the (virtual) event, introduced by the new Ambassador of Italy to The Netherlands, is “Innovation at the Frontiers of Collaboration between Italy and the Netherlands: Research Ideas, Opportunities and Suggestions in the Year of the Next Generation EU Plan.”



January 2021

The new H2020 EU project SUSTAINair “SUSTAINability increase of lightweight, multifunctional and intelligent airframe and engine parts” is starting on January 1! We are excited to work together to the other partners of the project. The kick-off meeting is organized online on January 26.

The group has two papers at AIAA SciTech conference that is a virtual event this year. Luc and Michelle will present their PhD research at the conference.

Congratulations to Ines for having her paper accepted for publication in the Thin-Walled Structures.



December 2020

We successfully completed the test campaign of the thermoplastic composite panels! Congratulations to Kevin van Dooren for having conducted so well the tests with all the difficulties related to the pandemic situation. The tests were inside a collaboration between the group, GKN/Fokker and Gulfstream.

Congratulations to the Master students Sean Prasing and Jiayao Zhang who just graduated.


October 2020

Welcome to the new Master students who joined the group: Gisela Rosado Bailón and Andrés Maximiliano Pereira.

Chiara is giving an online Keynote Lecture at the International Conference on Applications in Computational Engineering and Sciences (IConACES), organized by Vellore Institute of Technology in India, on October 30.


August 2020

Welcome to new postdoc Nithya Subramanian!

Nithya will join us on September 1 from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, with a PhD from Arizona State University. Nithya is an expert in advanced multiphase material systems and nanocomposites/nanoengineered composites. She has received a Marie Curie Individual Fellowship and will be working on machine learning augmented computational analysis of composite panels: new insights into damage mechanisms in aerospace structures with nanoparticles.


July 2020

The proposal of the EU project SUSTANair has been funded!  It will be exciting to work in the new project, with the duration of 42 months, in collaboration with 11 partners from 4 different European countries.

Welcome to the new Master students who just joined the group: Kaat Pareyns, Flores Germonpré and Pietro Squillace.

And congratulations to the Master students who graduated in the last month: Helena Heuser and Matthijs Schouten.

April 2020

Since March 15 we are now working online. The campus is virtually closed. The latest update about the TU Delft measures to combat the spread of the coronavirus can be find at

Congratulations to Ines for having her paper accepted for publication to AIAA Journal. This work is collaborative with Dr. Marc Schultz of NASA Langley Research Center and Dr. Mark Hilburger of NASA Space Technology Mission Directorate.

Congratulations to Antonio for having his paper published in Composite Part B. This work is sponsored by the Office of Naval Research (ONR).

March 2020

Chiara has been invited to give a Plenary Lecture at the 60th Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences.

Welcome to the new Master students who joined the group in the last months: Arne Schiller, Jiayao Zhang, Sean Prasing and Victor Poorte.

And congratulations to the Master students who graduated in the last months: Inigo Urcelay Oca, Tara Bolton and Theodor Baciu.

February 2020

Congratulations to Javier for having his paper published in Composite Structures.

January 2020

At the AIAA SciTech conference in Orlando, the PhD student Luc Kootte won the “Lockheed Martin Student Paper Award in Structures”. AIAA has recognized him during the luncheon on Thursday, January 9.

The paper, entitled “A Methodology to Investigate Skin-Stringer Separation in Postbuckled Composite Stiffened Panels” by Lucas J. Kootte  and Chiara Bisagni, is part of a project that has received financial support from the European Office of Aerospace Research and Development (EOARD), United States Air Force. The research  include collaborations with the Air Force Research Laboratory, NASA Langley Research Center and Boeing Research and Technology.

Chiara has been invited to give a lecture at the Texas A&M University at College Station. She had different meetings at MEEN, MSEN and AERO departments.

December 2019 

Congratulations to Stefano Pitton for having his paper published in Composite Structures. This research on buckling optimization of variable stiffness cylindrical shells through artificial intelligence techniques was conducted during his Master thesis at TU Delft.


November 2019 

Chiara is attending the Fuselage Critical Design Review of the Clean Sky 2 project STUNNING at Airbus in Bremen.

Congratulations to the Master students who just graduated: David Eberlein and Eva Smeets.

Welcome to Helena Heuser, visiting Master student from RWTH Aachen.


September 2019

Chiara, Ines and Bas are at the 7th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on the Mechanical Response of Composites (COMPOSITES 2019) in Girona, Spain, and will present two papers.

August 2019

Chiara is giving a keynote talk on Fatigue Life of Post-Buckled Composite Structures at 22nd International Conference on Composites Materials (ICCM-22) in Melbourne, Australia, on Monday August 12. She is also been invited as one of the panelists of the ICCM22 Women in Composites Leadership Forum on Wednesday, August 14.

The group has also other two papers at ICCM-22 in Melbourne. Postdoc Antonio Raimondo will present Fatigue Crack Propagation in Composite Laminates by A Novel Approach Based on the S-N Diagrams on Thursday, August 15. PhD student Kevin van Dooren will present Analysis and Testing of a Thermoplastic Composite Stiffened Panel under Compression on Friday, August 16. 


July 2019

The group went to visit the ESA/ESTEC in Noordwijk. We were 18 people! We had the opportunity to give three presentations and to visit the ESTEC Test Center. And after the visit we had a pizza by “Pavarotti”.

Congratulations to Yu Qian who has been selected for one of the scholarships for attending the São Paulo School of Advanced Sciences on Non Linear Dynamics in São Paulo, Brazil, July 29th - August 9th.

The second thermoplastic composite panel has been successfully tested! It is the result of a great collaboration between the group and GKN/Fokker. Congratulations to Kevin van Dooren, Edgars Labans and Theodor Baciu for having performed the tests with high-fidelity methodology and for the excellent analysis prediction!


June 2019

Chiara attended the test at NASA Langley Research Center on the lab-scale cylinder that has been designed, fabricated and tested as part of the collaborative work that NASA Shell Buckling Knockdown Factor Project (SBKF) has with our group. These lab-scale cylinders will be used to study the effects of scaling on the buckling response of sandwich composite cylinders. Congratulations to Inés Uriol Balbin, Kevin van Dooren and David Eberlein for the design and the excellent analysis prediction!

PhD student Yu Qian Tu presents Water Impact Analysis of Aerospace Composite Panels at Aerospace Structural Impact Dynamics International Conference in Madrid. 

The work of last year PhD students visiting from Bristol, Patni M. and Minera S., has been published on Composite Structures.


May 2019

Javier Gutierrez Alvarez has performed his first thermal buckling tests: the results are amazing!

Congratulations to Edgars Labans for having three papers published from the beginning of 2019, in collaboration with Boeing and University of South Carolina, with German Aerospace Center (DLR) and with Technion.

April 2019

Welcome to new PhD student Meryem Abbad Andaloussi. She will perform her PhD on fatigue life of post-buckled composite structures, funded by US Office of Naval Research.

February 2019

Chiara has been selected for the international workshop on Female Leadership in Academia, 13 - 17 February, housed at the Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome. This workshop intends to contribute to what in European academia is widely considered one of the foremost challenges for the upcoming years: achieving a better gender balance at top levels in academia by career building of talented women.

January 2019

The group has a paper at AIAA Scitech conference in San Diego. Postdoc Antonio Raimondo will present “A Numerical Approach for the Evaluation of the Local Stress Ratio in Fatigue-Driven Delamination Analysis”.

Welcome to new Master student Tara Bolton. Tara will conduct her Master thesis on buckling analysis of sandwich cylindrical and conical shells in collaboration with NASA Langley.

December 2018

Congratulations to Postdoc Edgars Labans for having his paper “Buckling and free vibration study of variable and constant-stiffness cylindrical shells” published in Composite Structures.

Welcome to new Master student David Eberlein. David will conduct his Master thesis on buckling analysis of scaled launch vehicle cylindrical structures in collaboration with NASA Langley.

Congratulations to visiting Master student Stefano Pitton. He has received a Scholarship from Politecnico di Milano for performing his Master thesis in our group on machine learning application in buckling optimization for variable stiffness cylindrical shells.

November 2018

Welcome to new PhD student Kevin van Dooren. He will perform his PhD on virtual testing of thermoplastic composite stiffened panels, funded by Clean Sky 2 project STUNNING.