Current Occupation

Associate Professor of Economics, Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Bologna

Founder and Co-Director, Center for Research and Social Progress

Founder, Network of Women in Data Science and Social Science

Previous Employment

Associate Professor, University of Milano – Bicocca. Department of Economics (Nov 2019-Aug 2021)

Assistant Professor, University of Milano – Bicocca. Department of Economics (Nov 2016-Oct 2019)

Assistant Professor (with tenure), Southampton University. Department of Economics (Sept 2011-Oct 2016)

Post-Doctoral Research Fellow Oxford University and Nuffield College  (Oct 2008-Aug 2011)


PhD in Economics, University College London, UK. 2009. Dissertation: “Three Essays on Inequality and Educational Choices in Latin America” Committee: Orazio Attanasio (chair), Costas Meghir, Chris Taber, and Alex Michaelides.

Master of Arts: Bocconi University, Department of Economics. 2002

Bachelor of Arts: Bocconi University, Department of Economic. 2001. Summa cum Laude.

Main Publications (see my Research in Progress page for ongoing projects) 

Binelli, Chiara, Matthew Loveless, and Brian Schaffner. 2023. “Explaining Perceptions of Climate Change in the US” Political Research Quarterly, Vol. 76, Issue 1, pp.365 – 380. First published online May 13, 2022.

Binelli, Chiara. 2021. “Estimating Causal Effects When the Treatment Affects All Subjects Simultaneously: An Application”. Big Data and Cognitive Computing. 5(2), 22. 

Loveless, Matthew and Chiara Binelli. 2020. “Economic Expectations and Satisfaction with Democracy:  Evidence from Italy”. Government and Opposition. 55(3): 413-429. DOI: 10.1017/gov.2018.31.

Binelli, Chiara and Naercio Menezes-Filho. 2019. “Why Brazil Fell Behind in College Education?”. Economics  of Education Review, Volume 72, 80-106. 

Binelli, Chiara. 2019. “Employment and Earnings Expectations of Jobless Young Skilled: Evidence from Italy”.  Social Indicators Research, 145(1), 201-231. doi: 10.1007/s11205-019-02106-y 

Binelli, Chiara. 2016. “Wage Inequality and Informality: Evidence from Mexico”. IZA Journal of Labor & Development, 5:5.

Binelli, Chiara and Matthew Loveless. 2016. “The Urban-Rural Divide: Perceptions of Income and Social Inequality in Central and Eastern Europe”. Economics of Transition, Volume 24(2), 211–231.

Binelli, Chiara. 2015. “How the Wage-Education Profile Got More Convex: Evidence from Mexico” B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics, Volume 15, Issue 2, pp. 509-560.

Binelli, Chiara, Matthew Loveless, and Stephen Whitefield. 2015. “What is Social Inequality and Why Does it Matter? Evidence from Central and Eastern Europe”. World Development, Vol. 70, pp. 239-248.  

Binelli, Chiara and Marta Rubio-Codina. 2013. “The Returns to Private Education: Evidence from Mexico”. Economics of Education Review, Volume 36, pp. 198–215.

Binelli, Chiara and Orazio Attanasio. 2010. “Mexico in the 1990s: the Main Cross-Sectional Facts”, Review of Economic Dynamics, Vol. 13(1), pp. 1-14.

Binelli, Chiara and Alessandro Maffioli. 2007. “A Micro-Econometric Analysis of Public Support to Private R&D in Argentina”, International Review of Applied Economics, Vol. 21 (3), pp. 339 – 359.

Book Chapters                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Stephen Whitefield, Matthew Loveless and Chiara Binelli. 2011. “Social Inequality: its character, how it is perceived, and the implications of its perceptions for social and political stability”, in I.I. Eliseeva et  al eds., Social Inequality in the Post-socialist Countries of Central and Eastern Europe: A Sociological Analysis, Nestor Historia: Moscow, pp. 15-32.                         

Binelli, Chiara. 2003. “Poverta’, Educazione e Mercato del Lavoro: le Donne in Svantaggio” in La vita delle donne tra locale e globale, Viceversa, Vol. II.                  

Attanasio, Orazio and Chiara Binelli. 2003. “Redistribution Policy: Theoretical Motivation and Empirical Evidence”, in Poverty, Inequality and Growth, Proceedings of the AfD/EUDN Conference 2003, Agence Française de Développement, Paris, France.

Other Publications 

Loveless, Matthew and Chiara Binelli. 2017. “Misperceptions of Macro-Economic Context: Income Inequality in The United States and in the United Kingdom”, CeRSP Working Papers Series: WP15/01.

Binelli, Chiara. 2017. “Employment and Earnings Expectations of Jobless Young Skilled: Evidence from Italy”, WorkINPS Paper Number 8, ISSN 2532-8565.

Binelli, Chiara. 2016. “Giovani e futuro. I laureati italiani senza lavoro” In: Giovani oggi, sognare si puo'?, PEDAGOGIKA, Volume 3.

Binelli, Chiara. 2014. “Returns to Education: How to Measure the Economic Payoff to Education?”, Economic Review, Volume 31, Number 3, February.

Binelli, Chiara and Matthew Loveless. 2014. “The Urban-Rural Divide: Perceptions of Inequality in Central and Eastern Europe”, The Rimini Centre for Economic Analysis Working Paper WP 10_14.

Binelli, Chiara and Matthew Loveless. 2013. “Looking at Inequality”, Economic Review, Volume 30, Number 4, April.

Binelli, Chiara and Marta Rubio-Codina. 2012. “The Returns to Private Education: Evidence from Mexico”, Institute for Fisca Studies Working Paper W12/08.

Binelli, Chiara. 2008. "Returns to Education and Increasing Wage Inequality in Latin America", The Rimini Centre for Economic Analysis Working Paper 30-08.

Binelli, Chiara. 2003. “Educational Gender Gap, Inequality and Growth: A Gender-Sensitive Analysis”, Temi di Ricerca, Ente per gli studi Monetari, Bancari e Finanziari Luigi Einaudi, Bank of Italy.

Working Papers 

Binelli, Chiara and Matthew Loveless. 2017. “Misperceptions of Macro-Economic Context: Income Inequality in The United States and in the United Kingdom”, CeRSP Working Papers Series: WP15/01. Current version " "Explaining Misperceptions of Changes in National-level Income Inequality in the United Kingdom and in the United States" under submission" under submission.


2023- 2026: Participation in Future of Artificial Intelligence Research (FAIR) project: 2 January 2023-28 February 2026 funded by PNRR. I am a member of FAIR UNIBO Spoke 8: we are working on an interdisciplinary research project on "The Social Implications of Artificial Intelligence (A): Data and Models, Acceptance and Use of Generative AI and Automated Decision-Making Systems (ADMs)". (50,000 Euros and two funded positions for full-time researchers).

2020: University of Milano Bicocca research grant for the project “Valutazione d’impatto della didattica in remoto su studenti e docenti della comunità Bicocca durante la crisi del covid-19”. (One funded position for full-time researcher).

2017–Italian Ministry of Education Seed Funding for Research. € 3,000.

2017 and 2018 – University of Milano - Bicocca Research Grant. € 1,900 and € 2,000.

2016 – VisitINPS Scholars Program for the project “Expectations of Job Instability, Job Insecurity and Earnings Risk of the Italian Skilled Unemployed: Patterns and Impact on Behaviour”. Co-PI Matthew Loveless (Center for Research and Social Progress). € 6,000.

2014-2015 – University of Southampton Strategic Research Development Fund for the project “Future Expectations: A Pilot Study of Youth Unemployment in Italy”. Principal investigator. £ 3,900.

2009-2012 – Danish Rockwool Foundation for the project “Subjective Expectations and Activity Choice in Malawi”. Co-PI with Katja M. Kaufmann, Christopher Ksoll, and Helene Bie Lilleør. $ 80,000.

Research Visiting Periods (from 2010) 

Visiting Scholar, Department of Political Science, Davidson College, Davidson, USA (08/22 – 09/22).

Visiting Fellow, Department of Economics, European University Institute, Italy (09/17 – 08/19).

Visiting Scholar, Agricultural and Applied Economics Department, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA (07/18 –08/18).

Visiting Scholar, Croft Institute for International Studies, University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS, USA (08/10 – 09/10).