In the news


"中研院發現脊椎動物「變身」機制 打破對發育認知-中央社

"Developing in Technicolour-《Biomedical Picture of the Day》

"Taiwan researchers discover muscle replacement mechanism in zebrafish-《Taiwan News》


"Scientist of the Month- Unusual Skin Cell Division in Zebrafish"  -Our Narratives

"第三屆伍焜玉院士學術講座學者訪談"  -KKWu Lecture 

"第三屆伍焜玉院士學術講座學者介紹"  -《KKWu Lecture》

"你真的想當科學家嗎"  -《KKWu Lecture- 學思歷程演講》

"物理學家與斑馬魚的距離"  -中研院物理所- 通俗演講



"Scientists solve centuries-old mystery by discovering 'mechanical waves-Focus Taiwan

"Mechanical waves help zebrafish regrow their tails'- featured in Nature Physics News & Views


"Stretched skin cells divide without DNA replication"  - featured in Nature News & Views

"A new kind of cell division"  - featured in Nature Video

"Fish skin reveals a new type of cell division"  - featured in Nature Podcast

"Keratinocytes cut corners on the cell cycle for the sake of skin barrier integrity"  - featured in Developmental Cell

"顛覆過去發現!中研院團隊首揭細胞「無合成分裂」登上《Nature》期刊"  -《中研院新聞稿》

"Taiwanese researchers discover new form of cell division that does not copy DNA"  -《Yahoo! News》


"2022 台北國際書展訪談-研之有物

"無合成分裂:斑馬魚難以察覺的「表面功夫」"  -研之有物

"Epithelial cells of a palmskin zebrafish larva-《2022 Nikon’s Small World- Image of Distinction

"3D view of all myofibers in a zebrafish myotome"  - 《2022 Taiwan顯微攝影競賽- 攝影類組優選

"Eight group leaders join the EMBO Global Investigator Network- 《EMBO Communications》

"第三種細胞分裂方式「無合成分裂」背後的發現之旅"  -《科學月刊

"科學家怎麼想發現的過程"  -2022「中研講堂」宜蘭場 

"彩虹斑馬魚和牠們的產地"  -2022 中央研究院 院區開放主題科普演講  


"Myofibers in a live zebrafish-《2021 Taiwan顯微攝影競賽- 攝影類組金獎》

"斑馬魚介紹"  -《2021中研院細生所線上活動

"科學家在做什麼"  -2021中研院細生所線上活動

"彼得潘基因ddx52 關閉可常保幼體狀態"  -自由時報》

"Peter pan: zebrafish need Ddx52 to grow old"  - featured in Development


"談動物再生 "  -《研之有物》

"「再生」也可能長歪? 科學界首度證實:動物的再生記憶可被改寫"  -《中研院訊》第1704期 

"研究:蠑螈.斑馬魚再生記憶可被改寫"  -《台視新聞 TTV NEWS》

"調控特定基因活性 再生記憶可改寫"  -《自由時報》

"動物的再生記憶可被改寫……這代表「再生」也可能長歪嗎?"  -《PanSci 泛科學》


"探索生物體內的再生"  -《科學月刊》第582期


"顯微鏡下的一抹彩虹"  -《中央研究院週報》第1610期, 知識天地 

"為什麼研究「再生」?"  -《研之有物》介紹

"變種人需要具備甚麼樣的細胞?"  -《非常異視界》

"Why study animals that regenerate? ("  - TEDxTaipei 2017 

IMAGE OF DISTINCTION, Nikon Small World Competition  - Nikon Instruments Inc 


"Technicolor Zebrafish Reveal How Skin Heals"  - Duke Today

"Snapshots of Life: Fish Awash in Color"  - NIH director’s blog   

"Developmental biology: Zebrafish skin in myriad colours"  - Nature

"The "skinbow": one of the most detailed views of skin regeneration yet seen- The Economist  

"Scratching the surface of a rainbow"  - The Node   


"Stem cells and regeneration in a new light"  - Development