
Oct 25, 2023

I am excited to partner with Dr. Erdinc Saygin from CSIRO and Buru Energy Ltd to recruit a domestic student for an iPhD supported by a prestigious scholarship, to work on an industry problem. The project aims to develop novel seismic imaging techniques to extract the maximum information from exploration data in the Canning Basin. Key benefits of this position include 1) $46k per annum stipend, 2) $13k p.a. expense fund, and 3) a three-month internship at Buru Energy Ltd. 

Check out this link for details!! 

Jan 5, 2022

Ever wondered how the recent machine learning phase picker and automatic earthquake workflow work for subduction settings? Major differences of the application in a subduction setting compared to the usual local study include 1) a much larger model space in 3D; 2) much sparser station coverage and 3) often much noisier data. 

Check out our recent paper published in the open-source journal of The Seismic Record to see how we overcome the above challenge by adopting an automatic workflow to develop the most complete catalogue for the Banda Arc - Australian collision zone [Link].

The complete catalogue derived from this study can be found on AusPass ( 

Sep 1, 2021

I am very excited to win the 2022 round Discovery Early Career Researcher Award supported by the Australian Research Council. This project will launch in early 2022 and provide three-year funding to focus on developing 3D/4D seismic imaging techniques to reveal detailed structures and to track groundwater variations in the Great Artesian Basin, Australia. 

I am looking for motivated students who are interested in exploring shallow earth imaging and groundwater monitoring with seismic approaches. The student projects can be offered on various levels, from Honors, Masters to PhD programs, so do not hesitate to email me to introduce yourself!!!

Aug 10, 2021

We are excited to have two undergraduate students, Solomon Jones and Xulu Lin, join the Miller group at RSES. Solomon will work on a special topic of utilizing the traffic data to image the Lake George basin. Xulu will work on imaging the lithosphere structures of Zealandia using ambient seismic noise as her Honor thesis. Welcome both!

Sep 1, 2020

Drop me a line if you are interested in a Honour or Master program on exploring lithosphere structures of the Earth’s hidden continent, Zealandia within the Seismology and Mathematical Geophysics group at ANU.

Check this link for more details on the project. 

Jun 1, 2020

We are proud to release the first crustal radial anisotropic model for Southern California. This model is derived from adjoint tomography of Rayleigh and Love waves at 5-50s extracted from three-component ambient noise cross correlation functions of Southern California and used Tape et al., (2009) as the starting model.

Models can be downloaded from the IRIS EMC website here and Dr. Kai Wang's website (who is the leading developer).

Details of the methodology and model interpretations can be found in our GRL paper (DOI: 10.1029/2020GL088580). 

May 19, 2020

Justin Wilgus, a PhD candidate at UNM, just has his first paper published on Tectonics! In this work, he explores the radial anisotropic structures beneath the Northeastern Basin and Range, with a focus on the Ruby Metamorphic Core complex. Check out the paper Wilgus, Jiang and Schmandt, 2020 for more details. 

Apr 1, 2020

Check out our SRL paper on NoisePy (collaborating with Marine Denolle at Harvard), which is a high-performance Python tool for ambient‐noise seismology. It covers many functions both for imaging and monitoring purposes using noise data. The package is script-based, so no blackbox from users' perspective. Feel free to email me or post any comments on GitHub if you have any problems with it.

The GitHub link to the code can be found here

A detailed documentation of NoisePy can be found here

Jan 1, 2020

I ended my 3.5 years research journey in the states and moved back to Australia. I am taking a Research Fellow position within the Miller group at RSES, ANU. 

Sep 16-20, 2019 

Attending workshop on passive seismology at Cargèse, France. Meet a lot of big names in the field and make many new friends. This is also my first trip to France. 

How many familiar faces can you recognize from this picture?  

Aug 9-12, 2019. 

Field trip at Seattle. Retrieve some broadband and nodal seismometers! Great weather, good physical exercise and nice food. 

Once again, seismologists who do not go to the field but use the data have to appreciate how valuable the data collected by others is.

Aug 1, 2019. 

Check the link below for our latest review paper on the volcanic systems in westerns U.S. published on JVGR (free for download for limited time).

Jun 1, 2019. 

I am convening my first AGU session on craton destruction for 2019 AGU fall meeting at San Francisco.  Click the link below to submit your abstract TODAY!

Note that the abstract submission site is already open and the deadline for all submissions is Wednesday, 31 July at 23:59 EDT

See you all at this AGU!!!

May 23, 2019.  Harvard Seismology Group retreat at Cap Cod!