Welcome to Chengxin Jiang's homepage

Chengxin Jiang

ARC DECRA Fellow, 

Research School of Earth Sciences | The Australian National University

Ph.D., 2016, Geophysics, Macquarie University, Australia

Email: chengxin.jiang1@anu.edu.au

Address:  142 Mills Rd, Acton ACT 0200 

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About me:

I am an observational seismologist broadly interested in tectonic, magmatic, and near-surface geological processes, and I decipher these processes with seismic tomography, seismic monitoring, seismic detection, and numerical modeling tools. My recent research focuses on 1) developing and applying new techniques for shallow earth imaging, 2) monitoring volcanic and groundwater processes using ambient noise interferometry, 3) studying lithosphere deformation of continent and subduction zones by illuminating anisotropic properties of the Earth's interior and 4) using machine learning-based approach for event detection and seismic data processing.