

FWAT- An inversion package designed for the SPECFEM3D Cartesian to do regional-scale full waveform adjoint tomography. The FWAT package can perform both noise FWI, teleseismic FWI and their joint inversion. I will also add local earthquake adjoint tomography to the package in the future. A trial version of the FWAT package can be download here:

Updates of the package are available on

FWAT_globe- A variant of the FWAT package to be designed for SPECFEM3D globe to do continental-scale adjoint tomography. Under development.

Please contact me ( if you are interested in using the FWAT package for your research.

SPECFEM3D_ANAT- A script-driven inversion package of ambient noise adjoint tomography. I developed this inversion package by collaboration with Prof. Qinya Liu and it was used to conduct all the ANAT studies of southern California. The inversion package is now available from my personal Github site (SPECFEM3D_ANAT)

Workflow of our ANAT inversion package

Adjoint Tomographic Model of Southern California (ATM_Socal)

See also IRIS EMC for our latest model of Socal:

Ray density file: ATM_Socal.raydensity.csv and GMT script plt_kern_8maps.hori.bash

Socal SPECFEM3D MESH: Socal_specfem3d_meshfiles

(1) Isotropic Vsv model of Southern California based on Rayleigh wave ambient noise adjoint tomography.

Author: Kai Wang (

Reference: Wang, K., Y. Yang, P. Basini, P. Tong, C. Tape, and Q. Liu (2018), Refined crustal and uppermost mantle structure of southern California by ambient noise adjoint tomography, Geophysical Journal International, 215(2), 844–863, doi:10.1093/gji/ggy312. (pdf)

Description/tools: lon, lat, depth, density, Vp, Vsv

Model files: ATM_Socal_M21R

(2) Isotropic Vsh model of Southern California based on Love wave ambient noise adjoint tomography.

Author: Kai Wang (

Reference: Wang Kai, Qinya Liu, and Yingjie Yang (2019), 3D Sensitivity Kernels for Multi-component Empirical Green’s Functions from Ambient Noise: Methodology and Application to Adjoint Tomography. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, (pdf, supply)

Description: lon, lat, depth, density, Vp, Vsh

Model files: ATM_Socal_M21L

(3) Radially anisotropic shear-wave model (Vogit-Vs, RA) of Southern California based on muliti-component ambient noise adjoint tomogrpahy of both Rayleigh and Love waves. Vs is the Voigt-average shear-wave velocity, and RA is radial anisotropy [(Vsh-Vsv)/Voigt_Vs].

Author: Kai Wang (

Description: lon, lat, depth, density, Vpv, Vph, Vsv, Vsh, Voigt_Vp, Voigt_Vs, RA

Model files: ATM_Socal_M28 model_M28_bin

A simple script plt_tomo_8maps.vert.bash to plot the above models using GMT.

China models

(1) Iso tropic perturbed Vs model of NE China from joint inversion of ambient noise surface waves and teleseismic body waves.

Reference: Guo Z., K. Wang, Y. Yang, Y. Tang, Y, Chen, and S.-H. Hung, 2018. The origin and mantle dynamics of Quaternary intra-plate volcanism in Northeast China from joint inversion of surface wave and body wave. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 123. (pdf)

Author: Guo Zhen & Kai Wang (

Description/format: lon, lat, radial, dlnVs

Model files: