What is Muscular Dystrophy?

Muscular Dystrophy (also referred to as M.D.) is noted as a group of genetic diseases that is identified by the progressive weakening of the muscles as well as loss or degeneration of muscle mass. Other factors include difficulty swallowing, breathing, and can result in a need for assistance for many everyday tasks that are considered "mindless" to those without the disease: such as eating, breathing, walking, etc.

M.D. is a treatable disease, with no found cure to this day. There are more than 30 forms of M.D., all ranging in severity as to how the muscles and quality of life are impacted. Thanks to research being done, in the last 2 years over 6 treatments have been developed to help treat forms of Muscular Dystrophy such as S.M.A.

It is important to note that some forms of M.D. are visible, while others may not be as noticeable at first glance. M.D. may limit certain physical abilities, but the mission of Chelbug Fest is to empower local children diagnosed with M.D. to be able to advocate and live their lives as independently as possible and enjoy life to the fullest.

To read other stories about individuals diagnosed with M.D., feel free to visit:
