September newsletter

upcoming dates to remember

9/13 - Family Literacy, Art, & Music Night- 5:30-7pm;

9/19 - NO school



  • I can set goals to read more and build my stamina.

  • I can take a sneak peek at a book and make a prediction.


  • I can plan my writing by touching and telling across pages, sketching pictures, and then writing.


  • I can develop handwriting by printing words, sentences, and answers legibly leaving appropriate spaces between words

Word work :

  • I can start every sentence with a capital letter and use end marks to help the reader.


  • I can identify a penny, nickel, dime, and quarter and tell the value of each.

  • I can use manipulatives to compose and decompose numbers to 99.


  • I can identify and demonstrate the ways objects move such as in a straight line, zig-zag, up and down, back and forth, round and round, and fast and slow.

  • I can predict and describe how a magnet can be used to push or pull an object.

Social Studies:

  • I can identify and explain important U.S. symbols.

  • I can read and understand keywords that are important to my topic.

  • I can identify and explain important U.S. symbols. I can make inferences and use text evidence to support my thinking.


Don't forget to buy a field trip shirt! The final day to buy them is 9/15.