january newsletter

upcoming dates to remember

1.3 - NO school

1.16 - NO school

1.20 - PowerUp Service Project

1.23/1.27 - College and Career Week *see below

1.31 - 100th day of school

SchoolPay Link_Love Week T-Shirt Flyer.pdf

in the classroom


  • I can check my reading by asking Does it make sense? Does it sound right?

  • I can set word-solving goals for myself.


  • I can write about my favorite things and explain why they are my favorite.

  • I can write detailed reasons to back up my thinking.

Word work :

  • I can read, sort, and spell contractions with ‘s and n’t.

  • I can read and spell words with short u spelled CVC and long u spelled with the CVCe pattern or one of two CVVC patterns: oo or ui.


  • I can identify 2D shapes using their attributes.

  • I can identify 2D shapes by their attributes using formal language.

  • I can determine attributes that define a shape.

  • I can identify 3D shapes using their attributes.

  • I can compare 2D and 3D shapes using their attributes.


  • I can sort and classify living and nonliving things based on whether they have basic needs and produce offspring.

  • I can analyze and record examples of interdependence found in various situations such as terrariums and aquariums or pet and caregiver.

  • I can gather evidence of interdependence among living organisms such as energy transfer through food chains or animals using plants for shelter.

Social Studies:

  • I can identify and explain the contributions historical figures made to our country.

  • I can understand how rules help us know what to do.

  • I can identify and explain how historical figures helped shape our state and nation.


Looking For More Clues

  • Name Feelings When Presented With Physical Clues

  • Name Feelings When Presented With Environmental And Situational Clues

Similarities and Differences

  • Compare physical and emotional similarities and differences between two children

  • Demonstrate that people can have different feelings about the same situation

Feelings Change

  • Students will be able to demonstrate welcoming and inviting behaviors.

What can you do to support your child's learning at home?

  • MATH:

    • Practice adding by using a collection of 10 objects. Split the objects into 2 groups. Say or write a number sentence to represent the groupings of objects. For example, "I have 10 straws. I can split the straws into groups of 5 and 5. So, 5+5=10." Put the piles back together again in a different way. Repeat until all possible combinations are found.

    • Practice skip counting by arranging a collection of up to 120 objects into groups of twos and skip count by twos to determine the total number of objects. Continue practicing by arranging and counting objects by fives and tens.

    • Recite numbers forward and backward up to 120.

    • Practice counting mixed coins. For example: 1 quarter and 3 dimes or 2 nickels and 9 pennies.

  • ELA:

    • Read a self-selected book.

      • If the book is fictional, think about the story elements. Characters, setting, problem and solution.

      • Think about how you could change the ending to the story. "How would you change the ending?"

      • Think about your favorite part of the story. "What is your favorite part and why?"

      • Think about the author's purpose for writing the story. "Why do you think the author wrote this story? Why do you think it was important for the author to share this story with you?