Concerns about Chatbots

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There has been an immense amount of coverage surrounding emerging AI technologies, including chatbots, over the past seven months. This is evident as headlines concerning these technologies flood news streams on a daily basis. While there has been a fair amount of fanfare and accolades attributed to these technologies, much of the coverage has also pointed out issues and concerns that come along with these technologies. 

Below are a series of news articles that highlight possible concerns with generative chatbot technologies. We would like to encourage you to explore the headlines and select at least one article to read in depth. Alternatively, you can also seek out your own article(s). At the end of this section we encourage you to share your thoughts about what you feel is the greatest risk, issue or concern with chatbot technologies, if any.


Activity: Chatbot Concerns

Based on your reading(s) above, what do you think is the biggest concern with generative chatbots? Share your thoughts with our padlet below:

Next Section: References