Chatbots in Education

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Activity: Leveraging Chatbots

Imagine that you are a teacher in a K-12 context. How might you use a chatbot as a teacher to assist with your work? How might you engage students in using a chatbot in a meaningful way? Respond with your idea(s) on our shared Padlet:

Custom Chatbots

Prior to the release of ChatGPT, the use of chatbots in education was limited. 

Some examples of their use include:

These uses mirror their use in the service industry, taking on the first step in customer service.

Current Uses

The release of ChatGPT has encouraged many in the field of education to explore the potential of generative AI. Some of these include:

Some More Examples...

There is currently a large market for videos on various media platforms showing teachers how to make use of Generative AI Chatbots.

This is one example - check it out for a solid demonstration of the capabilities of ChatGPT.

Ask ChatGPT

When asked "what are some uses of chatbots in education (and asked to keep the answers short) ChatGPT had this to say:

Here are some uses of chatbots in education:

ChatGPT is able to give more detailed answers as well, when prompted. 

Next Section: Market Analysis