

algorithms and architectures for decision-making in multi-robot systems

Research Topics

  • Hybrid planning (i.e., mixing hierarchical planning and partial-order planning) and replanning for MRS [Bechon et al., 2020]

  • Multi-Robot Task Allocation (e.g., constraint-based [Habibi et al., 2019], decentralized [Milot et al., 2021; Quinton et al., 2022])

  • Human-MRS interaction and mixed decision-making [Lesire et al., 2022]

formal models for robot-level and task-level programming

Research Topics

  • Domain Specific Languages for Robot-Level Programming

  • Real-Time Middlewares for Robotics

  • Real-Time Analysis for Software Architectures

  • Task-Level Programming using Petri Net Algebra

The objective of this work has been to propose methodologies to support the development of dependable component-based software architectures for autonomous robots.

The first achievements on this topic lead to the development of the MAUVE Toolchain, including tools for embedded code generation, application deployment, runtime trace measurements, and trace analysis [Gobillot et al., 2019].

Last achievements including a toolchain for the development and analysis of Skill-based layers, including model-checking of the specification language, translation to Petri nets for more model-checking, code generation and runtime monitoring [Albore et al., 2023].

I also worked on using Petri net models to design mission behaviours of autonomous robots [Lesire and Pommereau, 2020].