
My Publications: ADS

My Preprints: ARXIV

Selected Publications

M. Swinbank, A. Karim, Ian Smail, et al. , + Chapman, S. C.; 2012, MNRAS

Integral Field Spectroscopy of 2.0<z<2.7 Sub-mm Galaxies; gas morphologies and kinematics

S. Alaghband-Zadeh, S. Chapman, M. Swinbank, et al., 2012, MNRAS, 424, 2232

Banerji, Manda; Chapman, S. C.; Smail, Ian et al., 2011, MNRAS, 418, 1071

Casey, C. M.; Chapman, S. C.; Neri, R.; Bertoldi, F., et al., 2011, 1MNRAS, 415, 2723

Chapman S.C., Blain, Ibata, Ivison, Smail, 2009, ApJ, 691, 560

Casey C., Chapman S.C., Muxlow T., Beswick R., Alexander D., Conselice C.

2009, ApJ,

Chapman S.C., Casey C.,

2009, MNRAS,

Tacconi L., Genzel R., Smail I., Neri R., Chapman S.C., et al.,

2008, ApJ, in press

Ivison R., Chapman S.C., Faber S., et al.,

2007, ApJ,

Tacconi L., Neri R., Chapman S.C., et al.,

2006, ApJ, 640, 228

Chapman S.C., Blain A., Smail I., Ivison

2005, ApJ, 622, 772

Alexander D., Smail I., Bauer F., Chapman S., Blain A., Ivison R.,Brandt N.'

2005, Nature, 434, 738

The Rest-Frame Optical Properties of SCUBA Galaxies

Smail I., Chapman S.C., Blain A., Ivison R.,

2004, ApJ, 616, 71

The Rest-frame Optical Spectra of SCUBA Galaxies

Swinbank M., Smail I., Chapman S.C., Blain A., Ivison R., Keel B.

2004, ApJ, 617, 64

A population of hot, dusty ultra-luminous galaxies at z~2

S.Chapman, I.Smail, A.Blain, R.Ivison

2004, ApJ, 614, 671

Evidence for extended, obscured starbursts in submm galaxies

S. Chapman, Ian Smail, R. Windhorst, T. Muxlow, R. Ivison

2004, ApJ, 611, 732

The clustering of submillimeter galaxies

Blain, A., Chapman, S.C., Smail, I., Ivison, R.

2004, ApJ, 611, 725

A median redshift of 2.4 for galaxies bright at submillimetre wavelengths

S.Chapman, A.Blain, R.Ivison, I.Smail

2003, Nature, 422, 695

Nature of the bright sub-mm galaxy population: an optically faint radio selected sample

S.Chapman, E.Richards, G.Lewis, G.Wilson, A. Barger

2001, The Astrophysical Journal, 548, L147

Sub-mm imaging of a proto-cluster region at z=3.09

S.Chapman, G. F. Lewis, D. Scott, E. Richards, C. Borys, C. C. Steidel, K. L. Adelberger, A. E. Shapley

2001, The Astrophysical Journal, 548, L17

Andromeda / Local Group

Dynamics in the satellite system of Triangulum: Is AndXXII a dwarf satellite of M33?

S.C. Chapman, L. Widrow, M. Collins, J. Dubinski, R.A. Ibata, R.M. Rich, N.F. Martin, et al.,

2012, MNRAS

Kinematic and Chemical constraints on the formation of M31's inner and outer halo

A. Koch, R.M. Rich, D. Reitzel, N.F. Martin, R.A. Ibata, S.C. Chapman, et al.,

2008, ApJ

A Keck/DEIMOS spectroscopic survey of faint Galactic satellites: searching for the least massive dwarf galaxies

Martin N., Ibata R., Chapman S., Irwin M., Lewis G.

2007, ApJ

Strangers in the night: Discovery of a dwarf spheroidal galaxy on its first Local Group infall

Chapman S., Penarrubia J., Ibata R., et al.,

2007, ApJ

The Haunted Halos of Andromeda and Triangulum: A panorama of galaxy formation in action

Ibata R., Martin N., Irwin M., Chapman S., Ferguson A., Lewis G., McConnachie A.

2007, ApJ

A near zero velocity dispersion stellar component in the Canes Venatici dwarf spheroidal galaxy

Ibata R., Chapman S., Irwin M., Lewis G., Martin N.

2006, ApJ

A kinematically selected, metal-poor stellar halo in the outskirts of M31

Chapman S., Ibata R., Lewis G., Ferguson A., Irwin M.,Tanvir N.

2006, ApJ

On the accretion origin of a vast extended stellar disk around the Andromeda

Ibata R., Chapman S., Ferguson A., Irwin M., Lewis G., McConnachie A.

2005, ApJ

A Keck/DEIMOS kinematic survey of Andromeda-IX:dark matter on the smallest galactic scales

Chapman S., Ibata R., Lewis G., Ferguson A., Irwin M., McConnachie A.,Tanvir N.

2005, ApJ

Taking measure of the Andromeda halo:

a kinematic analysis of the giant stream surrounding M31

Ibata R., Chapman S.C., Ferguson A., Irwin M., Lewis G., McConnachie A.

2004, MNRAS, 351, 117