Group Members
Adrian Sinclair (CCAT, 850GHz camera module. MKIDs, Readout)
Uriel Conod (Adaptive Optics, GIRMOS)
James Burgoyne (CCAT software engineer, MKIDs readout)
Matt Xi (CCAT; MKIDs readout)
Tony Huber (CCAT, opto-mechanical design, detector design, submm galaxies)
George Wang (protoclusters of galaxies)
Dahzi Zhou (distant galaxies and protoclusters, South Pole Telescope)
Colin Ross (Dalhousie PhD student - graduated) -cryostat design; electronics; detector characterization; SCUBA-2 Lensing Survey
Kaja Rotermund (Dalhousie PhD student graduated) POLARBEAR; interdigitated capaitors; South Pole Telescope - SMGs; SCUBA-2 lensing survey
Jenn Beanlands (St. Marys MSc student graduated) --JVLA CO observations of rich z>2 galaxy clusters; control system for MOS positioner for CCAT XSPEC spectrograph; SCUBA-2 clusters & CLS;
Philipp Heyne (Visiting MSc student, Berlin, Germany) -cryostat mechanical design;
Kate Husband (Bristol; cosupervising; final year PhD student) -protocluster environments of high redshift SMGs from the South Pole Telescope survey
Kevin Lacaille (Dalhousie MSc student graduated) -HerMES SMGs; the SCUBA2 Baryonic Structure Survey; M33 kinematic halo; M31 dwarf spheroidals
Tim Miller (Dalhousie MSc student graduated) -simulations of bias in the SMG population, clustering of SMGs, feedback and outflows in luminous galaxies
Ryan Perry (Dalhousie MSc student graduated)-SPT2349 mass modelling
Caitlin Casey (PhD Cambridge) (2010 - Hubble Fellow, IfA, Hawaii; 2013 - McCue Fellow; UT-Austin faculty offer) -Submm Galaxies; CCAT
Michelle Collins (PhD Cambridge) (2011 - Fellow, MpIA, Heidelberg; 2014 - Hubble Fellow, Yale) -Local Group Archaeology; M31 subsystem
Matt Bothwell (PhD Cambridge) (Postdoc, Tucson, Arizona -- 2012; PDRA, Cavendish Astrophysics, Cambridge)
-South Pole Telescope; SHRUGS submm galaxy followup
Susannah Alaghband-Zadeh (PhD Cambridge) (Junior Research Fellow, Peterhouse college, Cambridge)
-Studies of submm galaxies: UV and nebular line mapping; molecular and fine structure line diagnostics; SCUBA-2 lens survey
David Trethewey (MSc Cambridge) (Industry)
-M33 and Local Group Archaeology;
Allison Strom (MSc Cambridge) (PhD student, Caltech; w/ C.Steidel)
Kate Husband (MSc MSc Cambridge) (PhD student, Bristol; w/ M.Bremer)
- SPT-SMG; environments of distant, extreme galaxies
Peter Smith (Dalhousie honours thesis student, MSc student)
-PAH emission in 5MUSES galaxies; X-Spec postioner control; Polarbear-2 telescope control system
Elias Zoghaib (Dalhousie honours thesis student)
-Herschel studies of PAH emission in a z=5.7 submm galaxy
Kaja Rotermund (Dalhousie; CCAT)
Colin Ross (Dalhousie/NRC; ASICS; AO; Deformable mirrors)
Paolo Turri (NRC; PSF reconstruction; data modelling for GIRMOS)
Alex Tikhomirov (Dalhousie; CCAT/XSPEC positioners; cryogenics and detector development
Jorge Penarrubia (PDRA Cambridge) (Assistant Professor (Lecturer) in Astrophysics, University of Edinburgh)
Bruno Letarte (Postdoc Caltech)(Staff Astronomer, South African Astronomical Observatory)
Manda Banerji (PDRA Cambridge) (European Research Council fellowship, University College London)