
Submm Galaxies and Cosmology - Main projects:

SHRUGS (2001-present) PI: S. Chapman (Spectroscopic High-Redshift Ultraluminous Galaxies Survey)

GOGS (2011-present) PI: S. Chapman (Galaxy Overdensity Gas Survey);

POLARBEAR (2011-present) PI: A. Lee;

SouthPoleTelescope (2009-present) PI: J. Carlstrom/ J. Vieira (SMGs) - Chapman PI of VLT optical/IR followup

SouthPoleTelescope-SPTpol (2011-present) PI: J. Carlstrom;

HerMES (2009-present) PI: S. Oliver; Chapman leading OFRG subgroup

SCUBA2 Lensing Survey (2012-present); Chapman Canadian Co-PI (with Ian Smail & Paul van der Werf)

LESS (2007-) PI: I. Smail; 870um survey of CDF-S with LABOCA

AEGIS-DEEP2/3 (2005-present) PI: S. Faber; Chapman PI of VLA radio survey (AEGIS-20)

SCUBA2 Cosmology Legacy Survey (2010-)

e-MERLIN Legacy programme (2008-) PI: T. Muxlow

5MUSES (2006-) PI: G. Helou; (Spitzer IRS spectroscopy of 24um sources >5mJy) Chapman PI of VLT followup distant sources

Candels (HST-WFC3; 2010-) PI: S. Faber;

Goods NICMOS Survey (GNS) (2007-present) PI: C. Conselice

SERVS (2008-present) PI: M. Lacy

MIGHTEE (2009-) PI: M. Jarvis

SHADES (2005-) PI: J. Dunlop

FLS-westerbork (2005-present) PI: S. Chapman (21cm deep radio survey in the Spitzer FLS collaboration)

Stellar Populations, Local Group - Main projects:

M31-AKAME (2002-present) PI: S. Chapman (M31, Keck-DEIMOS spectroscopic survey, kinematics and metallicites)

NGVS (2007-) PI: L. Ferrarese (Next Generation Virgo survey)

PANDAS (2007-) PI: A. McConnachie (M31/M33 survey imaging)

Gaia-ESO Survey (2011-) PI: G. Gilmore (VLT-FLAMES Galaxy survey)