
Here are my translation works of French books in Korean.

If you want more information about these books, click the image of the original or translated book below.
For any translation or publication propositions, please contact me by e-mail.

조엘 자스크, 『숲이 불에 탈 때(가제)』 

Joëlle Zask, Quand la forêt brûle. Penser la nouvelle catastrophe écologique (2019)

롤랑 바르트, 『글쓰기의 영도』 

Roland Barthes, Le Degré zéro de l'écriture, suivi de Nouveaux essais critiques (2014)

클로드 란츠만, 『쇼아 (필로소픽, 2022

Claude Lanzmann, Shoah (1997)

Presse release (Korean)

미셸 우엘벡, 『쇼펜하우어를 마주하며』 (필로소픽, 2022) 

Michel Houellebecq, En présence de Schopenhauer (2017)

Presse release (Korean)

기 드보르, 『파네지릭 (필로소픽, 2021

Guy Debord, Panégyrique I (1993) & II (1997)

Presse release (Korean)

미셸 우엘벡, 『러브크래프트: 세상에 맞서, 삶에 맞서 (필로소픽, 2021

Michel Houellebecq, H.P. Lovecraft : contre le monde, contre la vie (2010)

Presse release (Korean)

미셸 에켐 드 몽테뉴, 『몽테뉴 여행기』 (필로소픽, 2020) 

Michel Eyquem de Montaigne, Journal de voyage en Italie (1774)

Presse release (Korean)