
Events' Organization

Academic events

Edition 20232024 ; Edition 20222023 ; Edition 20212022
LIDILEM, Grenoble Alpes University, France 

This annual workshop brings together different theoretical & methodological elements or problems encountered during the research work of Ph.D. students of Axis 1 « Description et modélisation linguistiques, corpus, TAL » of the LIDILEM.

Conference co-organized by the LIDILEM and the CRIFUQ (University of Sherbrooke, Quebec) as part of the Franco-Quebec project « Énoncés stéréotypés des conversations ordinaires en français hexagonal et en français québécois : construction d'une ressource numérique », funded by the region of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes.

The 12th Edition of the Hannuri Academic & Cultural Festival, organized every year for the commemoration of Hanguel Day, to strengthen the academic and practical competencies of KHCU students specializing in Korean Studies and to cultivate cultural diversity competency required for Korean language teachers.

>  Commission of Program « 한누리 뉴스 : 생생한 해외 한국어 현장 속으로 »

The 5th edition of the CEDIL « Sciences du Langage : enjeux théoriques et pratiques méthodologiques » (Facebook Page) Conference Homepage: https://cedil22.sciencesconf.org/

>  Opening Speech (with Jirawan Kiatphotha)
>  Managing Discord Channel CEDIL22
>  Commission of Academic Committee
>  Commission of Events  (Roundtable discussion)
>  Commission of Accommodation and Services

The Two days workshop co-organized by the LIDILEM and the CRIFUQ (University of Sherbrooke, Quebec) as part of the Franco-Quebec project « Énoncés stéréotypés des conversations ordinaires en français hexagonal et en français québécois : construction d'une ressource numérique », funded by the region of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. Workshop Homepage: https://phioe2022.sciencesconf.org/

Culture events

> Culture posters about Christmas & New year Tradition in Korea
> DDakji Game (딱지치기)

Personal Projects

I recently had the opportunity to discuss my experiences of teaching the Korean language in France, especially my encounters with K-Wave fan learners in the classroom, as a guest on the K-Potes, a podcast hosted by Hélène and Adrien. You can listen to this episode via this link ;)

NounTown is a VR language learning game application for basic immersive instruction in foreign languages. Its goal is to give learners VR interactive experiences in their language learning process.
As a Korean language tutor and pedagogical designer, I participated in developing NounTown's first Korean course for A1 level.

This is a series of 4 short independant documentary films titled « 우리나라 [Urinara] ». This project was initiated and realized in 2015 by two French friends who are passionate about Korea, Lilas Fournel & Maud Fournel, and uploaded on their YouTube channel honeyskyblog (Subtitles available in French and English).

- What do you think of Korea today?  (Link)
- When do you feel most Korean?  (Link)
- What would you like to absolutely preserve or change about Korea?  (Link)
- Can you explain what Han (, 恨) emotion is?  (Link)