Writing as Project Management

Originally published on Active Learning in Political Science, 6 January 2020.

If you're like me -- a contractual teaching load of seven courses per academic year, plus overloads, committee work, and administrative duties -- you tell yourself that you'll work diligently on those unfinished conference papers and journal manuscripts during the winter holidays. And then life happens, time slips away, and suddenly the spring semester is about to begin.

There are simple tools -- which aren't part of the standard graduate program curriculum, but should be -- that can help you become a more productive writer. I'll mention two.

Stretch & SMART

The stretch goal is your ultimate objective or ambition; the whole project. For example, write a complete draft of a book chapter. SMART is an acronym that describes the actions that need to be taken to reach one's objective:

There are many definitions of Stretch & SMART; if the one above is unclear, others can be found with a quick internet search.