Sahelanthropus tchadensis,
the field work
In 2018, researchers who were young at the time of Toumaï's discovery and researchers who arrived late in the project believed themselves authorized to level strong criticisms of the team of the National Center for Support to research on the occasion of a preprint ('Postcranial evidence of late Miocene hominin bipedalism in Chad') in a journal of high reputation usually apart from such declaration and being known for the respect of researchers. However, these now well-established paleontologists carried out a very large part of their work based on the fossils collected by the CNAR team. Is this one of the symptoms of this "terrible 'hominid fever'" pointed out by Michel Brunet on page 76 of his book 'D'Abel à Toumaï, nomad, recherche d'os' (edition Odile Jacob, Paris, 2006, 254p). Its symptoms are known. Affecting only paleontologists and particularly paleoanthropologists, it attacks the heart as the seat of feelings, destroys social relationships, and through the stress generated can attack the heart muscle. This is understandable because all the hominid fossils were unearthed by technicians, the first by a marginalized driver, and a 'logistician' or 'technical cooperation assistant' or 'twenty-fifth hour researcher' according to the qualifiers which are generously attributed to him that his name is never mentioned, omitting that he could also be a photographer, and that he was a scientific editor with the creation of the 'Scientific Review of Chad', the 'Works and scientific documents of Chad', co-producer of documentaries with RadioTchad and TéléTchad (The green belt of N'Djamena, etc.), landscaper (with the creation of the Scientific Garden of N'Djamena), museologist (with the creation of a paleontology room in the former Chadian National Museum) and even builder (with the paleontological collections building). Finally in his first functions in Chad he brought back Professor Pierre Vincent and together they proved the two giant meteorite impacts of Aorounga and Gweni-Fada and updated knowledge on the volcanism of Tibesti with a mission from the Emi Koussi in Kilinégué.
In addition, as head of the project "Support for Chadian scientific research" from October 1989 to August 1996 Alain Beauvilain was at the origin of Professor Michel Brunet's visit to Chad before becoming from November 15, 1996 to December 31 2002 responsible for the project "Support for paleontological research" and finally responsible for the project "coordination of actions in paleontology in the Republic of Chad" of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of the Republic of Chad.
Beforehand, after a master's degree in Douentza (Republic of Mali) in 1969, he began his professional life at the Franco-Arab high school in Timbuktu (Republic of Mali) in 1970 before traveling through Dallol Bosso (Republic of Niger) in 1973 and 1974 for field surveys for a postgraduate thesis in geography, studied the oasis systems of southern Algeria and southern Tunisia in 1976 and 1977 before multiplying field missions in northern Cameroon between 1979 and 1989 for field surveys for a state doctorate in geography. From this long journey in Sahelo-Saharan areas, he left many photographs still available on Google Earth, even if many were deleted with the closure of the Panoramio site. For the work in the Djourab, it is worth recalling beforehand who surveyed the Chadian Sahara for so many years to arrive at these fabulous updates, a skull, a femur and two ulnae of hominids.
Number of days of presence in the Toros-Menalla fossiliferous zone from January 1997 to March 2002
Travel to and from the TM Fossiliferous zone is included.
Guillaume Davert, Abderamane Moussa and Clarisse Nékoulnang Djétounako were included in the scientific project afterwards.
This table requires no comment – it speaks for itself.
The frequency of field surveys between 1997 and 2002 is stressed.
Among these authors let us take the example of Jean-Renaud Boisserie. In his thesis defended on December 12, 2002, he refers to 301 Hippopotamidae fossils from Toros-Ménalla. How many did he unearth himself? None since he had not traveled through this fossiliferous zone. More recently, with the contribution of annual field missions since 2003, J.-R. Boisserie is delighted to have been able to work on 417 cranodental specimens of Nyanzachoerus (suids), the largest collection in the world of this type of remains. The quality of their fossilization and preservation even allows him to work at the species level for 294 fossils. On these 417 fossils (or sets of fossils) having served as a basis for the study "A New Species of Nyanzachoerus (Cetartiodactyla: Suidae) from the Late Miocene Toros-Menalla, Chad, Central Africa" (Plos One, 2014, Boisserie J .-R. et al.), only 5 were brought to light on sites discovered after the departure of Alain Beauvilain on December 30, 2002. The task of the latter, as a geographer, was in particular to discover, the more often on foot, new fossil sites.
Why does he join in these criticisms of the quality of the work of the CNAR field team? Wasn't he able to defend his thesis in 2002 and quickly become research director at the CNRS?
It is also worth noting the frequency of visits to the field from 1997 to March 2002. The TM266 site was discovered in July 2001 because the geographer Alain Beauvilain had drawn up the site map since 1997 and was updating this map in permanence. For him, it was obvious that the vast area located below the most important embankment of all this region deserved an in-depth study. From November 1997 this embankment was recognized by Alain Beauvilain and the site of TM39 will prove to be 22 kilometers away from TM266. From February 6 to 10, 1998, Alain Beauvilain and Fanoné Gongdibé discovered the sites of TM63 and TM64. They are now only 4 and 6 kilometers from TM266. Oppositions of principle are then set up to favor missions towards the dusty heart of the Chadian basin. Failing to succeed in convincing the paleontologists of his point of view, Alain Beauvilain undertook this mission in July 2001 with the success that we know. From July 2001 to March 2002 more than one hundred fossiliferous sites are inventoried there.
The locality TM 266 was discovered in July 2001 because the geographer Alain Beauvilain had established the map of all the known sites and which he constantly updated. For him, it was clear that the vast zone extending beneath the longest scarp in the entire region merited a thorough survey. Ever since November1997, this scarp had been known and site TM 39 which is 22 km from TM 266 was found. From the 6th to the 10th February 1998, Alain Beauvilain and Fanoné Gongdibé discovered sites TM 63 and TM 64 which are only 4 to 6 km from TM 266. Opposition to the continuation of the survey was declared on account of the dusty nature of the Chadian Basin. Unable to convince the palaeontologists to change their minds, Alain Beauvilain took the initiative to organise the July 2001 field survey, which as we now know, was a resounding success. From July 2001 to March 2002 more than a hundred fossil sites were recorded.
A particularity of the fossiliferous ites in the Djurab is their immense extent due to the flatness of the country. Active dunes (barchans) move across the vast gritty substrate in such a way that a site that is exposed one year may be buried deep in sand the next, and a single outcrop may be separated into two exposures by the presence of a dune on it, in which case it was registered as two separate sites – there are almost as many fossil sites as there are dunes. It is also worth mentioning that there are fossils under the dunes, which is why it is necessary to make frequent visits to the sites to explore the places that were not accessible during previous surveys. This tactic was employed with success until March 2002.
The particularity of the fossiliferous sites of Djourab is their immense extent linked to the flatness of the places. Live dunes (barchanes) run through vast sandy, flat expanses, so that the same surface separated by a dune gives rise to the recording of two sites, and as many sites as there are dunes. It must also be considered that fossils are then under the dunes, hence the need to go back frequently. This was done methodically until March 2002.
Two fossiles sites, TM254, July 16, 2001 and TM Am Zao, October 30, 2001. (photographs Alain Beauvilain, rights reserved).
The cheking process
"What do you have to look at the speck in your brother's eye when the beam that is in your own eye, you don't notice it?" Jesus Christ, Sermon on the Mount. The authors of 'Postcranial evidence of late Miocene hominin bipedalism in Chad' therefore thought it useful to add to their study their description of the working conditions in the field such as than practiced by the CNAR team (National Center for Research Support) in a section 'additional information, chapter 2.2 Context of the discoveries'. It is therefore important to compare their allegations with the reality of the facts and even of the benefits they have derived from the work of this team. This part 2.2 expresses an opinion. This must be confronted with the verification of the facts.
Postcranial evidence of late Miocene hominin bipedalism in Chad
Part 2.2 expresses an opinion. This must be confronted with the verification of the facts.
Supplementary information
2.2. Context of the discoveries
The Mission Paléontologique Franco-Tchadienne (MPFT, directed by Michel Brunet) has conducted field surveys in the Djurab desert since 1994. Its first major discovery was a partial mandible attributed to a new species, Australopithecus bahrelghazali 1,2, found in the fossiliferous sector of Koro Toro (upper Pliocene). In 1997, Brunet led an exploratory team to the western part of the Djurab and discovered a new fossiliferous sector dominated by upper Miocene outcrops (Toros-Menalla, TM). From 1997 to 2001, the MPFT documented the full extension of this large area (ca. 100 km along an East-West axis) and initiated its systematic survey. In July 2001, a technical team of four MPFT members* performed a recognition survey at TM and reached a particularly rich area (locality TM 266), at that time a surface of ca. 1.5 km2, more or less clear of sand accumulations. The team collected an abundant sample of fossil specimens and photographically documented the work, but did not perform precise recording of specimen positions relative to each other within the locality. The partial cranium TM 266-01-060-1 selected as the holotype specimen of Sahelanthropus tchadensis by 3, the femur TM 266-01-063 and one of the ulnae (TM 266-01-050) were among the collected specimens. The participants in this survey reported conflicting information regarding the precise locations within the locality TM 266 of the various fossil remains collected during this mission. Pictures used to discuss the original position of the femur and cranium4 do not include the ulna TM 266-01-050, and do not present contextual elements allowing the identification of the location and timing of the photographs. Most specimens observed on these pictures comprising various craniodental and postcranial remains of other vertebrates, do not display the dust and sand coverage usually observed on surface finds in the Djurab desert: they were therefore photographed after handling. This corroborates claims by Chadian team members that these pictures did not record the initial position of the fossils and that they were photographed after the fossils were gathered from the surroundings. Given the minimum number of hominin individuals calculated for TM 266 (six, among which there are three adults 5), suggestions that TM 266-01-060-1 and any of the newly described postcranial elements belong to the same individual remain highly hypothetical.
In Ndjamena, the team roughly sorted the 561 specimens collected during the mission (141 for TM 266) at high-level taxonomic ranks and eventually stored most of the postcranial specimens as an “indet.” group. This was the case for the femur TM 266-01-063 and the ulna TM 266-01-050. The material then waited for examination by skilled anatomists, which did not happen during the following two years. At the time, the MPFT gave the highest priority to other tasks. First, the study of the craniodental material and the initial characterization of the TM 266 faunal assemblage occupied all the research time and resulted in their first description in Nature a year after TM 266 discovery6,7. Second, several field surveys aimed at unearthing further specimens at TM 266 and adjacent areas in the contexts of rapidly increasing burial of the hominin locality by aeolian sands and of extreme sand-blasting of exposed specimens. From 2001 to 2003, despite the low density of fossil remains in the Djurab fossil-bearing localities, the MPFT collected more than 7,000 specimens at TM, including new craniodental specimens attributed to Sahelanthropus and described by 5.
In early 2004, prior to careful examination by skilled paleontologists, various postcranial remains (including TM 266-01-063) discovered in July 2001 were selected for the training of a masters student in taphonomy. Seeking an identification, the student handed this specimen to Roberto Macchiarelli8, not a member of the MPFT. Macchiarelli correctly identified the femur as that of a hominin8. In parallel, the MPFT identified the ulnar remains. Later, the existence of a hominin femur from TM 266 leaked to the public prior to its formal description, damaging the ability of the MPFT to preserve the novelty of its disclosure for a formal scientific publication. Since 2004, the MPFT attempted discovering further remains documenting the postcranial anatomy of the TM hominins, to date unsuccessfully.
* Including three Chadian technicians of the Centre National d'Appui à la Recherche (CNAR, now CNRD) led by one “cooperation assistant” from the Embassy of France to Chad.
1. Brunet, M., Beauvilain, A., Coppens, Y., Heintz, E., Moutaye, A. E., Pilbeam, D. The first australopithecine 2,500 kilometres west of the Rift Valley (Chad). Nature 378, 273-275 (1995).
2. Brunet, M., Beauvilain, A., Coppens, Y., Heintz, E., Moutaye, A. E. Australopithecus bahrelghazali, une nouvelle espèce d'Hominidé ancien de la région de Koro Toro (Tchad). C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 322, 907-913 (1996).
3. Brunet, M. et al. A new hominid from the Upper Miocene of Chad, Central Africa. Nature , 145-151 (2002).
4. Beauvilain, A., Watté, J. P. Toumaï (Sahelanthropus tchadensis) a t-il été inhumé ? Bull. Soc. Géol. Normandie 96, 19-26 (2009).
5. Brunet, M. et al. New material of the earliest hominid from the Upper Miocene of Chad. Nature 434, 752-755 (2005).
6. Vignaud, P. et al. Geology and palaeontology of the Upper Miocene Toros Menalla hominid locality, Chad. Nature 418, 152-155 (2002).
7. Callaway, E. Femur findings remain a secret. Nature 553, 391-392 (2018)."
The authors
Franck Guy, researcher at the CNRS, assistant director of PALEVOPRIM laboratory, thesis « Variabilité de l'appareil manducateur chez les Hominoidea (Mammalia, primates) actuels », University of Poitiers, 2002, directors Michel Brunet and Laurent Viriot.
Guillaume Daver, senior lecturer, University of Poitiers, thesis « Le complexe articulaire du poignet des Hominoïdes miocènes et plio-pléistocènes africains : approche comparative anatomo-fonctionnelle et morphométrique », Muséum national d’histoire naturelle, Paris, 2007, directors Dominique Grimaud-Hervé and Gilles Bérillon.
Hassane Taïsso Mackaye, professor, University of N'Djamena, thesis « Les Proboscidiens du mio-pliocène du Tchad : biodiversité, biochronologie, paléoécologie et paléobiogéographie », University of Poitiers, 2001, directors Michel Brunet et Pascal Tassy.
Andossa Likius, professor, University of N’Djamena, thesis « Les grands ongulés du mio-pliocène du Tchad (Rhinocerotidae, Giraffidae, Camelidae) : systématique, implications paléobiogéographiques et paléoenvironnementales », University of Poitiers, 2002, directors Michel Brunet et Denis Geraads.
Jean Renaud Boisserie, Director of Research at the CNRS, director of PALEVOPRIM laboratory, thesis « Nouveaux Hippopotamidae du Mio-Pliocène du Tchad et de l’Ethiopie : implications phylogénétiques et paléoenvironnementales », University of Poitiers, 2002, directors Michel Brunet and Patrick Vignaud.
Abderamane Moussa, thesis « Les séries sédimentaires fluviatiles, lacustres et éoliennes du bassin du Tchad depuis le Miocène terminal », University of Strasbourg, 2010, directors Philippe Duringer and Mathieu Schuster.
Patrick Vignaud, professor, director of Geosciences Department, university of Poitiers, thesis «Les Thalattosuchia, crocodiles marins du mésozoïque : systématique phylogénétique, paléoécologie, biochronologie et implications paléogéographiques, University of Poitiers, 1995, director Michel Brunet.
Clarisse Nékoulnang Djétounako, Head of the Fossil Conservation and Valorisation Service (Centre national de développement et de la recherche (ex CNAR), N’Djaména, thesis « Les collections scientifiques et leur valorisation : une politique de recherche et un enjeu socio-culturel. L’exemple du patrimoine tchadien et d’autres collections paléontologiques africaines », University of Poitiers, 2015, directors Patrick Vignaud, Géraldine Garcia and Dominique Moncond’huy.
Verification : the Facts
A) ‘From 1997 to 2001, the MPFT documented the full extension of this large area (ca. 100 km along an East-West axis) and initiated its systematic survey. In July 2001, a technical team of four MPFT members* performed a recognition survey at TM’ *Including three Chadian technicians of the Centre National d'Appui à la Recherche (CNAR, now CNRD) led by one “cooperation assistant” from the Embassy of France to Chad';
From January 1997 to March 2002 the CNAR team totaled 642 days in the field while the co-signatories of this article totaled 181 days. If they can describe the members of the CNAR team as technicians, it is because they, in addition to the work of prospecting the sites and collecting the fossils, provided everything from the logistics, from the upstream (purchase of food, fuel, preparation of the equipment, ..., photographs and videos of the sites and the fossils) to the downstream (drivers, mechanic, cook, ..., photographer and cameraman) discovering almost all the sites and collecting most of the fossils. for their discovery of the desert, a thousand miles from their usual environment, these young researchers were pampered.
B) 'In Ndjamena, the team roughly sorted the 561 specimens collected during the mission (141 for TM 266) at high-level taxonomic ranks and eventually stored most of the postcranial specimens as an “indet.” group. This was the case for the femur TM 266-01-063 and the ulna TM 266-01-050. The material then waited for examination by skilled anatomists, which did not happen during the two following years.’
The field team comprised two Chadians holding Natural Science Diplomas (Fanoné Gondibé, graduate of the University of Yaounde, Engineer and Civil Servant in the Ministry of Mines, at the time attached to the CNAR, and Ahounta Djimdoumalbaye, graduate of the University of N’Djaména, in temporary employment at the CNAR), as well as a Chadian without diploma (Mahamat Adoum, working under contract at the CNAR) as well as a Frenchman holding a PhD in Geography (Alain Beauvilain) who began his professional life in the Sahelo-Saharan environment in 1970 at the high school in Timbuktu (Republic of Mali) after a master's degree at Douentza in 1969.
Concerning the July 2001 field survey, the daily catalogue was compiled by a Chadian civil Servant employed at the CNAR, because he fossils collected are part of the Chadian patrimony. As soon as the team returned to N’Djamena, an official register was acquired and the field catalogue was entered into it. During the following field surveys, entries wer made directly into this register. These fossils were correctly described in terms of the body parts preserved, but not all were identified to genus and species, as is often the case when compiling a field catalogue. Could a geographer or a graduate in Natural Sciences attribute material to the family Hominidae, not only a complete skull (a cranium and an unpublished mandible) but also a femur and one ulna, without provoking mockery?
In sharp contrast, at the end of August 2001, professor Michel Brunet was enabled to examine the fossils brought back to N’Djamena for as long as he wished ‘as needs required’. He therefore had in his hands the ulna TM266-01-50, catalogued in the field as ‘cubitus in several fragments’ but he did not feel that it warranted exportation to his laboratory in Poitiers, as revealed by its absence from exportation permit n° 8 issued on the 27th August 2001.
In even more telling contrast, professor Patrick Vignaud, co-author of this publication, has forgotten that senior lecturer Patrick Vignaud, who participated in the field survey which took place from 21st October to 4th November 2001, was the person who collected the ulna TM266-01-358. Why did he not record the co-ordinates of this fossil when he had two GPS instruments at his disposition? In addition, as the only palaeontologist in the field, he presided every day over the cataloguing of the collected fossils. He identified the fossil TM266-01-358 as an ‘ulna Mammalia indet.’. This level of identification is hardly an improvement on the methods employed in July by the unqualified geographer and his Chadian assistants. It would therefore appear that, according to this publication, neither he nor professeur Michel Brunet can be described as qualified anatomists. In other words, they were no more qualified to identify fossils than a Geographer with a PhD. However, unlike professor Michel Brunet, professor Vignaud took care to export the ulna with him, as shown by export permit n° 13 issued on the 6th November 2001.
On the 305 fossils cataloged at TM 266 during this mission of October-November 2001, only 23 were defined at the level of their group, i.e. 7.5%, including 11 Hipparion (extinct genus of equines), and on the 124 fossils collected at TM 267, 9 were defined, i.e. 7.2%
This export permit included a large quantity of well-preserved fossils of great scientific interest, which were destined to provide raw material for young palaeontologists preparing their theses at the University of Poitiers, including two Chadians. The field surveyors who collected these magnificent fossils felt proud of their achievement because they understood the scientific value of the specimens to the students, Chadian or otherwise.
Prior to this, Director of Research at the CNRS Jean-Renaud Boisserie and Lecturer at the University of Montpellier, Fabrice Lihoreau, at the time these doctoral students completing their thesis, were present at N’Djamena from the end of September to mid-October 2001, lodged at the CNAR, where they were given all the time and facilities to handle the fossils brought back from the Djourab in July. How come they did not correct any omissions or insufficiencies made by the team that collected the fossils in July, exporting only the specimens that were relevant to their own studies, as shown by export permits 10 and 11 issued on the 10th October, 2001.
2001 08 27 bordereau export n°8 Brunet.pdf
2001 09 13 bordereau export n°9 Likius.pdf
2001 10 10 bordereau export n° 10 Boisserie.pdf
2001 10 10 bordereau export n° 11 Lihoreau.pdf
2001 11 06 bordereau export n°13 Vignaud.pdf
2001 12 26 bordereau export n°14 Viriot.pdf
Then, at the beginning of 2004, before departing for the Chadian Sahara with the aim of reconstructing the discovery of Toumaï for a film, from which the entire team which made the find was excluded, authorisation was given to a Masters student in taphonomy to destroy TM 266-01-63, who fortunately hesitated and took this beautiful fossil to Roberto Macchiarelli who recognised it as a hominoid femur.
Did the Chadian authorities give the go-ahead for the destruction of this fossil ? After all, it is part of their cultural heritage. Did other fossils undergo similar treatment ?
Finally, even though it has already been evoked, it is regrettable that none of the matrix removed from the skull during cleaning, was kept, preventing Didier Bourlès, at the time assistant-director of CEREGE, from obtaining ‘a gram of undisturbed material’ (Le Monde, September 5, 2008) in order to try to date the specimen using the Berylium 10 method. As though that was not enough, during preparation of the femur, at the time considered to be of litttle interest, a centimetre of its distal extremity vanishing without trace !
C) From July to December 2001, 52 post-cranial specimens, of which the taxonomic group could not be identified in the field, were registered in the catalogue in the hope that some of them might belong to the same species as the skull found at the same site that eventually became known as Sahelanthropus. Among these specimens, 36 were long bones (tibia, femur, humerus and ulna) among which were complete specimens as well as incomplete diaphyses.
Shortly afterwards, being very surprised that none of the long bones found close to the skull was thought to belong to the same or similar hominid Alain Beauvilain expressed his astonishment in volume 100, September/October 2004 of the South African Journal of Science, page 446 : ‘Considering the excellent preservation of the Toumaï cranium, a careful examination of these bones should yield interesting information, as we consider it likely that postcranial fossils of a large primate may be present at the site, although nothing has been reported until now.’
D) ‘Most specimens observed on these pictures, also including various craniodental and postcranial remains of other vertebrates, do not display the dust and sand coverage usually observed on surface finds in the Djurab desert: they were therefore photographed after handling.’
If the fossils had been covered by dust and sand as hypothesised above, then no-one would have seen them. This is why one of the co-authors of the paper, who participated in two field surveys (in 1999 to the east of the Bahr el Ghazal in the Kollé fossiliferous sector) attempted to uncover fossils using two leaf-blowers acquired by the University of Poitiers. Ear muffs on, after a while he could only conclude that the exercise was worthless, and also dangerous for the fossils.
In effect, the fossils, which are usually dark brown to black are easily visible against the pale sandy or intensely white grits on which they lie, and they can be spotted from afar. It was for this reason that the Poitou-Charente region invested in an ultra-light flying machine constructed in the region, plus a special tent to protect it, plus the salaries of two professional pilots. The failure of the pilots of this ultra-light plane to find any fossils was due to the fact that in this extremely windy environment the speed at which it flew rendered it worthless for the stated objective. Nevertheless, in this sector of Djourab, covered not so long ago by the waters of the mega Lake Chad, 'one does not collect fossils like seashells' (Michel Brunet, Le Monde, July 11, 2002)... but how many times have we seen it do rather 'like children do in a field of mushrooms' (Le Père de l'Homme, Galam, 1998, 2nd part) or 'like children released into a large garden stuffed with chocolate eggs one Easter morning' (D'Abel à Toumaï..., page 56, book written during the Easter period).
Three photographs of the ULM : in March 1997, in KL wings folded ; in February 1998, in KL, in his tent ; March 1999-December 2002..., in storage at N'Djamena airport (photographs Alain Beauvilain, rights reserved).
E) ‘The team … documented photographically the work, but did not perform precise recording of specimen positions relative to each other within the locality.’
The photographs do not record the positions of fossils relative to each other? Photographs are not drawings !
Due to the lack of reaction about the long bones from TM 266, and because the dating techniques employed were based on excavated faunal remains, unlike the surface collections that he and his team had made at the Toumaï site, in 2009, Alain Beauvilain published a paper with Jean-Pierre Watté, Doctor of Archaeology, in the review Anthropologie. This article recounted the precise conditions and time at which the fossils were collected. Shortly afterwards, speaking from the laboratory of Palaeontology at the University of Poitiers in the presence of professor Michel Brunet, one of the Chadian participants explained to a journalist that the fossils were found at a different time, thereby altering details of the event. If such were the case, then the mise-en-scène would represent a scandalous manipulation and an extremely low level of scientific integrity. However, such is not the case and those who owe their professional ascent - professors at the university, research directors - to the work of four men in the heart of the Chadian Sahara over five years, nine years for Alain Beauvilain, are not worthy of recognition for expressing themselves like that.
In January 2016, during an interview at the new National Museum of Chad, this participant, Ahounta Djimdoumalbaye returned to the real timing of events concerning the discovery. Apart from all that, the long shadow in the photos reveals that the fossils were found early in the morning, at a time in the year when the mid-day sun is overhead, and the video camera likewise recorded the date, hour and minute at which the images were taken, the sandy surface showing every foot and hand print, all of which attest to the rigour of the work undertaken in the field.
Apart from that, and for the first time since the beginning of the project, the discovery locus of most of the main fossils at a site were recorded by GPS with the simple aim of being able to relocate the precise place during subsequent visits, because of worries about the movement of sands, but which did not occur, at least until March 2002, the last time that Alain Beauvilain went to TM 266. Recording the GPS position of every fossil would have been a waste of time because, at that time, even without moving, the GPS was accurate only to within a dozen metres. The extent of the scene of a reburial(?) which was photographed with care, is far less than the margin of error of the GPS. The GPS co-ordinates taken during the July 2001 field survey, which had not been erased, were consulted during Alain Beauvilain’s leave with the sole aim of noting the position of the skull, without anyone asking about the quantity and reason behind the nearby co-ordinates that had been recorded.
It is also inappropriate to make such remarks when in scientific publications the coordinates mentioned are not, here, precise or when, there, the choice of sites does not seem judicious to an informed observer, or even when these coordinates are incorrectly published.
The scene, a tomb?, which has been carefully photographed, is of much smaller dimensions than those of these variations. The GPS data of the July 2001 mission which had not been erased were consulted during Alain Beauvilain's leave in order only to note the last one which was that of the position of the skull brought to light without anyone wondering about the number and the why of the close data.
In conclusion, we can only regret that for the past 18 years, no new hominid fossils from the Toros-Ménalla sector the Chadian Sahara have seen the light of day. It is difficult to accept that only the team led by the geographer Alain Beauvilain was capable of finding them, as is the fact that it was the same geographer who led the teams to all the Chadian sites at which remains of hominids had previously been found, of which certain specimens are still awaiting publication. The fossiliferous zone is immense – it requires well-planned surveys to yield its secrets.
First described as an attendant, then as a logistician, and finally as a «co-operation assistant at the French Embassy in Chad » or even « researcher of the twenty-fifth hour », Alain Beauvilain was in 2001, in the heart of the Chadian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, serving in the National Centre for the Support of Science (Centre national d’appui à la recherche - CNAR), co-ordinator of palaeontological activities in the Republic of Chad. Herbert Thomas, honorary assistant director in the Palaeoanthropology and Prehistory Laboratory at the Collège de France, consecrated the last pages of his book 'D'où vient l'homme ? Le défi de nos origines' (Where did man originate ? – The challenge of our origins : Acropole, 2005) to the discovery of Toumaï and noted justly that « at the beginning of July 2001, Alain Beauvilain and his team made the essential breakthrough, without which, without a shadow of doubt, none of the rest would have happened »'
What must be remembered from nearly twenty years of sterile controversy is that without the intervention of Professor Roberto Macchiarelli following the doubts and questions of a DEA student, Aude Bergeret, the femur would have been destroyed since the student had been authorized to do so when the laboratory's teacher-researchers were in Chad to film the discovery of Toumaï. As a direct consequence, in 2017 these teacher-researchers would not have tried to find other postcranial fossils since for sixteen years it had been repeated that there were none despite the determinations made in the field at the time of their collection.