Subject-Area Subcommittee Chairs

An older bearded man smiling, holding a paper covered in green dots in his left hand and raising a paper covered in red dots with his left hand. | Image Warner Photography, courtesy OLLI at UNC Asheville.

The chair of a CFS subject-area subcommittee is responsible for working with volunteer members of the subcommittee to develop CFS curriculum in the subcommittee’s subject area and completing the course proposal review process for four annual terms (i.e. winter, spring, summer, fall).

The subcommittee chair is a member of the CFS Committee and attends monthly CFS Committee meetings (generally the first Friday of the month) to discuss opportunities and challenges that face subcommittees, their chairs and CFS instructors.

The subcommittee chair assigns a member of the subcommittee as the course liaison to each instructor in their topic area, oversees the subcommittee's communication with their instructors and the CFS program manager and reads end-of-course evaluations.