Normally, the first half of each session is taken up with introducing children to soccer through the use of drills and games (45 minutes). Then there is a short snack break (5 minutes). Finally the children will play in a scrimmage game, usually against another team (40) minutes).   



Each child is enrolled in one team and is expected to stay with that team throughout the season, unless the Commissioner makes a formal written reassignment to another team.  Every child is expected to attend every session unless he or she is out of town, sick or in quarantine.


99% of coaching is done by Microsoccer Parents.

We Need Team Officials., i.e.: Coaches and Assistant Coaches.

With few exceptions, Microsoccer coaches are all parents of children in the program. Although some parents have had previous experience, many have had little or none, so you should not be shy about volunteering.  Moreover, Microsoccer provides elementary coaching guidance, and many parents quickly rise to the occasion of acting as a coach or assistant coach. Each team needs the following two (2) volunteer positions to be filled:

- Coach. The coach is the primary instructor for the team. Ideally, the coach should be someone who has played at least a little soccer and knows something about it. That said, the coach need not actually be a skilled player himself or herself, and previous coaching experience is not required.

- Assistant Coach. The assistant coach helps the coach run the practices and takes over whenever the coach is unavailable (due to absence or if the coach is acting as a referee for a game). Ideally, the assistant coach should be someone who has played at least a little soccer and knows something about it. That said, the coach need not actually be a skilled player himself or herself, and previous coaching experience is not required.

The Coach and/or Assistant will also need to perform certain managerial tasks, ensuring that all players and adults are following any applicable coronavirus related regulations and common sense practices such as, hand sanitizing, as well as more traditional ones, such as communicating with their team during the week and taking attendance every week and reporting attendance to the commissioner.

For those who are interested in being be a coach or assistant coach but are hesitating due to lack of playing experience or coaching experience, fear not: WE CAN PROVIDE COACH and ASSISTANT COACH TRAINING

If you are interested in participating in a brief (approximately 90 minutes) coach training session this spring, then please send us an email indicating that and times that might work for you to attend.  If we do have such a training, we would encourage ALL parents to attend, even if you plan not to coach or assist.  The reason is it will demonstrate the skill set that we hope to instill in the kids in the course of the season.

Don't be shy about volunteering! Volunteers are the lifeblood of the organization and the program cannot operate without them!


In addition to coronavirus related items such as hand sanitizer, every child should have the following equipment at every practice and every game: 

(1) a Microsoccer t-shirt.   Microsoccer will provide each child with one (1) official t-shirt at the first game. Once the child is issued a shirt, it is REQUIRED to be worn at every game.  Therefore, families should make it a priority that that shirt is washed and in the child's possession prior to each game.

(2) Soccer cleats; and Shin guards.  We recommend getting your player soccer cleats and shin guards before the first game!  Shin guards are recommended. We think it is good to get players in the habit of wearing them at an early age, but we do not require them.

It is recommended that each child own his or her own size 3 soccer ball for use at home, but that he or she NOT bring the ball to Microsoccer. (The balls we provide are a shared resource and we don't want the kids to get too proprietary.)

Please note that this year, because of the ongoing issues relating to Covid-19, everything is subject to change, sometimes with little or no prior notice.

This page was last updated September 15, 2023