Covid-19 Lockdown and Subsequent Reopening of Microsoccer Program

Three seasons (spring 2020, fall 2020, and spring 2021) of Microsoccer were cancelled due to the coronavirus lockdown in Cambridge (and throughout the state). Since then Microsoccer has reopened and had successful Fall 2021, Spring 2022, Fall 2022,  Spring 2023 and Fall 2023 seasons.

Currently, outdoor youth sports such as Microsoccer are not under any mandate for kids or  parents to wear masks or practice social distancing while participating in the Microsoccer program.

Nonetheless, because of ongoing uncertainty regarding Covid-19 Microsoccer encourages: (a) moderate social distancing; (b) frequent hand washing (using soap and water at home, and approved hand sanitizers at the field); (c)  self monitoring for potential signs of disease; (d) the wearing of effective face coverings for all unvaccinated persons; (e) testing for disease of any player or parent who is exhibiting symptoms of Covid-19  or who has been in recent close contact to someone known to be infected with the coronavirus; (f) vaccination of any children participating in Microsoccer, if they are eligible for vaccination and don't have any known medical reason not to be vaccinated.

We request that all parents (and spouses or partners) of players participating in Microsoccer be fully vaccinated, unless they have a bona fide medical reason for an exemption or if  they have had Covid-19 within the previous six months.   

These rules and/or guidelines may be amended or revoked, and made stricter by Microsoccer, by any larger organization of which it is a part, by the City of Cambridge, the state of Massachusetts, or the federal government, at any time, and all families will have to be prepared to adapt accordingly.

Please note that this year, because of ongoing issues relating to Covid-19, everything is subject to change, sometimes with little or no prior notice.

This page was last updated August 12, 2024