Feminists are

committed to Social Justice.

Hi! You Found us! Do you have questions? Here are some questions that are asked often and the answers to them.

What is CFCC Feminist Alliance? 

We are a group of students who came together in search of a safe place to talk about issues regarding gender and gender inequality. 

CFCC Feminist Alliance collaborates with other student groups at CFCC and outside groups with similar interests to advance the cause of equality. 

Why should we care? 

Feminism seeks to make equality a reality. Feminists believe that all beings deserve equal treatment and opportunity. 

We live in a society where women are valued less for their intellect and more valued for their looks. This leads to the objectification of women, allowing men to think that it is ok to grope, harass, and rape women. It is dehumanizing. 

We want a political landscape that reflects the diversity of the general population. We help elect diverse candidates. 

Women are never free as long as they have no control over their bodies. CFCCFA seeks to bring attention to the necessity of reproductive rights. 

"FUTURE IS FEMALE" -- this is a bold thought that women have the right to shape their future. Women are the architects of their own destiny. We are ALL architects of our own destiny.

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