Meetings & Past Events

Past events during 2023-24 school year

Visit our Vote for School Council page to learn more about the candidates and current school-related issues. 

Past Highlights

Sep. 27, 2023:  Vote for School Committee: Learn and Discuss Zoom

May 19-20, 2023: 2nd Annual Cambridge-Somerville Asian Festival

May 2022 - The first Cambridge Somerville Asian Festival 

Feb. 8, 2022: Community Meeting with Ray Porch, Director of Family Engagement

Jan. 20, 2022: Letter Writing Zoom  

To advocate for Coalition for Anti-Racism, Equity and Justice in Education (CARE) sponsored Massachusetts state bills supporting ethnic, culturally appropriate, and anti-racism curriculum in K-12 education.  

Sep. 9, 2021: Meet new Superintendent, Dr. Greer

Dec. 16, 2021: Community Meeting

Our community meeting centered around the question Has your child or family experienced microaggressions or incidents of racism in school? The Jamboard brought up many shared experiences.

Apr. 15, 2021: Community Meeting

Thanks to all who could come out to meet on April 15 where we had a chance to get to know each other more deeply and start brainstorming ideas for each work group. (Link to the slides from our meeting.)

Check out the ideas on the JamBoards!

Mar. 9, 2021: First Community Meeting

Several themes came out of our first meeting, including:

CFAD 03-09-2021

Check out the Welcome slideshow from our first community meeting on March 9, 2021