Detailed Program

1° day - Thursday, 8 March 2018

14.00 Registration

14.30 Opening session

Chair: Guido Pellegrini

Pierpaolo D’Urso, Director of DISSE Department, Sapienza University of Rome

Francesco Guida, Director of DISCIPOL Department, University Roma Tre

Marusca De Castris, Co-Chair CERUP 2018, University Roma Tre

Guido Pellegrini, Co-Chair CERUP 2018, Sapienza University of Rome and President of AISRe

15.00 I session - Keynote speech

Giuseppe Arbia, University Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Roma

Testing the impact of regional policies using spatial econometric models

16.00 Coffee Break

16.30 II session - Evaluation of development and resilience policies

Bondonio D.* (Università del Piemonte Orientale), Greenbaum R. (Ohio State University)

Natural Disasters and Relief Assistance: Empirical Evidence on the Resilience of U.S. Counties using Dynamic Propensity Score Matching

Koster H. R. (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam), Cheng F. F. (Utrecht University), Gerritse* M. (University of Groningnen) and Van Oort F. G. (Erasmus University Rotterdam)

Place-based policies, firm productivity and displacement effects: Evidence from Shenzhen, China

Barbero J., Christensen M.A., Conte A., Di Comite F., Diaz Lanchas J., Diukanova O., Lecca* P., Mandras G., Persyn D., Sakkas S. (DG JRC European Commission)

Wage Pressure and the Interregional Spillover Effects Under Demand-Side Shocks.

Cerqua* A. (Westminster University), Pellegrini G. (Sapienza University of Rome)

Local policy effects at a time of economic crisis

2° day Friday, 9 March 2018

9.30 III session – Evaluation of regional policies

Brachert* M. (Halle Institute for Economic Research, IWH), Dettmann E. (Halle Institute for Economic Research, IWH), Titze M. (Halle Institute for Economic Research, IWH)

Identifying the Effects of Place-Based Policies: Causal Evidence from Germany

Accetturo A. (Bank of Italy), Albanese G. *(Bank of Italy), D’Ignazio A. (Bank of Italy)

A new Phoenix? Large plants regeneration policies in Italy

10.30 Coffee break

11.00 IV session - Keynote speech

Martin Huber (University of Fribourg)

A framework for separating individual treatment effects from spillover, interaction, and general equilibrium effects

12.00 V session - Evaluation of labor and social policies

Ciani E. *(Bank of Italy), David F. (Bank of Italy), de Blasio G. (Bank of Italy)

Local Labor Market Heterogeneity in Italy: Estimates and Simulations Using Responses to Labor Demand Shocks

Belotti F. (University of Rome Tor Vergata), di Porto E. *(University of Naples Federico II), Santoni G. (CEPII)

The Effect of Local Taxes on Firm Performance: Evidence from Geo-referenced Data

Cueto B. * (University of Oviedo), Mayor M. (University of Oviedo), Suàrez P. (University of Oviedo)

An evaluation of the flat rate for self-employed workers. Does the territory matter?

13.30 Lunch

14.00 Poster Session

Albanese G.*, Ciani E., de Blasio G. (Bank of Italy)

Something New in the City? The Local Effects of Urban Regeneration Policies in Italy

Ascani A.* (Utrecht University), Iammarino S. (LSE)

Multinational enterprises, service outsourcing and regional structural change

Barone G., d’Alessandro A.*, de Blasio G.*(Bank of Italy)

Place-based policy, human capital and flight to prosperity

Di Cataldo M.* (LSE), Crescenzi R. (LSE), Giua M. (Roma Tre University)

Have EU funds helped against Brexit? A spatial RDD analysis

Mellace G.*, (University of Southern Denmark), Pasquini A.* (Sapienza University of Rome)

Mediation Analysis Synthetic Control

Öner Ö.*(Jönköping University), Larsson J.P.(Jönköping University), Jienwatcharamongkhol V. (Blekinge Technical University)

The Dynamics of Retail Colocation. Using geo-coded data for Swedish retail markets

Reggiani T.*(Masaryk University), Becchetti L. (University of Rome Tor Vergata), Pelligra V.* ( University of Cagliari)

Information, belief elicitation and threshold effects in the 5X1000 tax scheme: A framed field experiment

Sicuro L.*, Tucci D. (ISTAT)

Patterns of Economic and Social Develop of the Italian Regions from 2005 to 2016

15.00 VI session - Policy and spatial modelling

Annoni P.* (European Commission), de Dominicis L.* (European Commission), Khabirpour N. (Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich)

Location matters: a spatial econometric analysis of post-crisis regional economic growth dynamics in the European Union

Nowak A. (West Virginia University), Sayago-Gomez J.T.* (Universidad Icesi)

What is Near and Recent in Crime for Homeowners? The Cases of Denver and Seattle

De Castris M. (Roma Tre University), Di Gennaro D.* (Roma Tre University)

Does agriculture subsidies foster Italian southern farms? A spatial quantile regression approach

Candela G. (University of Bologna), Mussoni M. (University of Bologna), Patuelli R.* (University of Bologna)

Centralized vs Decentralized Tourism Policies: a Spatial Interaction Model Framework

16.45 Closing speech