
Pre-Conference Tutorial

Using R routines for counterfactual evaluation

Thursday, 8th March 2018


Department of Social Science and Economics

Sapienza, University of Rome

Via Salaria, n. 113 - Roma

Room C4, Second Floor (max 40 people)

We are delighted to offer a pre-conference tutorial on the implementation of the most important approaches of program evaluation. The main aim is learning how to implement the different methodological approaches to program evaluation with the free and widespread statistical software, R.

This half-day course combines focused lectures and supervised exercises using R. The course is taught by Dr Daniele Di Gennaro, postdoctoral fellow at University Roma Tre. His main research interests include casual inference, spatial econometrics and regional policy and he taught tutorial classes in policy evaluation models at University Roma Tre.

Participants are asked to bring their own laptop with the R and RStudio softwares already installed. R is a freely downloadable software package that the participant can download onto their own device prior to the course. By becoming familiar with a statistical package and using examples the participants will gain in confidence interpreting model for policy evaluation.

Each model will be illustrated with a lab section showing how to estimate in R. The target audience are researchers familiar with casual inference analysis who would like to learn how to use R package for casual impact evaluation of public policies.










Intro to the course and R package

Using data in R

Lecture 1: Overview: DID and PSM model

R exercises: examples

Coffee break

Lecture 2: Overview: RDD

R exercises: examples

Feedback, certificates & close


Participants move to the conference hall


In order to apply for the tutorial, you can fill and send the registration form by downloading the file here .

The fee for the pre-conference tutorial is 100 Euro and includes teaching material, a coffee break and a final lunch.

Registration and payment to pre-conference tutorial is independent from the partecipation to the conference.

Registration fees must be paid by bank transfer on behalf of Department of Political Science, University Roma Tre.

Please, specify the object:

“CERUP 2018 - Tutorial fee, Rome 8 March”

with the following bank details:

Bank account holder: Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche


IBAN: IT33Y0503403207000000300013

Bank account number: 300013


For Italian public institutions the unique office code of University Roma Tre is: 2LRH5F.

Send a copy of bank transfer payment by e-mail to the secretary:


In order to proceed with the payment of your future claims or with the emission of the electronic invoice, you should be identified through an Italian fiscal code number.

Therefore, if you do not hold yet any Italian fiscal code, we kindly ask you, as foreign resident, to fill in the following form (FORM) and send us back via e-mail a copy duly filled in and signed.

Since our Department will take care to submit your request to the competent local authorities and to get your fiscal code number, please don't forget to sign as well the last section "Delegate" and to attach to the form a scanned copy of your identity card or passport.


No refunds will be issued by CERUP2018 organizing committee for any reason.


A certificate of attendance will be provided at the conference. It includes participant’s name and affiliation, certifying the participation in the tutorial.