Officer Responsibilities


Term: 1 year, followed by 1 year as Chair and 1 year as Past Chair

Responsibilities: Attend leadership training meeting in January with ACS national, travel paid. Begin to schedule programming for the year as chair. There is a wide lattitude for programming, and lots of help is available. There is a list of ACS tour speakers, and other speakers can be coordinated with nearby local sections. Take over if Chair becomes unable to serve. Participate in events, including the fall undergraduate research symposium and speakers and lectures. Research opportunities for grants, chemluminary awards, and other awards for local section members.

Benefits: Huge networking and professional development opportunity. The national leadership training meeting in January is attended by many well-known ACS personalities, including past, present and futujre presidents, the CEO, the chair of the board, committee chairs, and the leadership of local sections around the country and world. You receive training in how to get things accomplished, how to select, motivate and reward volunteers and members, and how to communicate effectively. This service goes on your resume and helps with promotion and tenure decisions. Leadership positions provide opportunity for moving up in the governance of the ACS, including participation on committees and on the ACS council.


Term: 1 year, followed by 1 year as Past Chair

Responsibilities: Run executive committee meetings, which are usually held 2 - 4 times per year. Run local section meetings, usually about 5 per year. This usually means determining when and where each meeting will be held, and who will be the local organizer. Meetings can be held concurrently with events such as speakers or tours. Communicate with the membership through email and the website regarding upcoming meetings and events. Help speakers make travel arrangements. Introduce each speaker. Identify people willing to be elected to the next year's chair-elect office and help run elections according to the bylaws. Notify ACS national of the elected officers for the upcoming year by December 1. Participate in events, including the fall undergraduate research symposium and speakers and lectures. Find opportunities for grants, chemluminary awards, outreach volunteer of the year, fellows, and other awards for local section members. Fill out the annual report which is due to ACS national during the February following the year as chair.

Benefits: The position is a huge networking and professional development opportunity. The national leadership training meeting in January is attended by many well-known ACS personalities, including past, present and futujre presidents, the CEO, the chair of the board, committee chairs, and the leadership of local sections around the country and world. You receive training in how to get things accomplished, how to select, motivate and reward volunteers and members, and how to communicate effectively. This service goes on your resume and helps with promotion and tenure decisions. Leadership positions provide opportunity for moving up in the governance of the ACS, including participation on committees and on the ACS council.

Past Chair

Term: 1 year

Responsibilities: Attend executive committee meetings, events, and local section meetings. Provide leadership advice. Help identify people willing to be elected as officers. Fill out the annual report which is due to ACS national during the February following the year as chair.


Term: 1 year (renewable)

Responsibilities: Take attendance and record minutes based on the Chair's agenda at all executive committee meetings, events, and local section meetings. Provide minutes to executive committee members, and to the webmaster to post on the website. The possibility exists for writing a newsletter or sending out information to local section members.

Benefits: Praise and thanks from executive committee members.


Term: 1 year (renewable)

Responsibilities: Maintain local section finances. Write checks and track the budget. Control investment of endowment. Attend executive committee meetings, events, and local section meetings, and give treasurer's reports. Fill out the annual financial report which is due to ACS national during the February of the following year.

Benefits: The eternal gratitude of the Executive Committee


Term: 3 years (renewable)

Responsibilities: Attend all national ACS meetings, expenses paid. Submit receipts to the Treasurer with 3 weeks of attending a meeting so that the Treasurer can reimburse the Councilor and send the reimbursement request to ACS national before the deadline. Represent the local section at the Councilor's caucus and the national ACS Council meetings, voting on issues, electing officers, voting for ACS Presidential candidates, and participating in discussions and feedback to ACS national. Become a member of a national ACS committee and make contributions to the objectives of the committee year-round. Attend conference calls, retreats, strategic planning workshops, subcommittee meetings, open meetings, events, and committee meetings for the national committee. Report to the local section executive committee and the membership of the local section on the actions of the ACS council, ACS meeting updates, and ACS committee updates. Edit and approve the annual report written by the Chair and the financial report written by the Treasurer and submit it to national before the February deadline.

Benefits: Expenses are paid for travel to national meetings. The position is a huge networking and professional development opportunity. This service goes on your resume and helps with promotion and tenure decisions. Leadership positions provide opportunity for moving up in the governance of the ACS, including participation on committees, on the ACS council, and running for office in the governance of the ACS.

Alternate Councilor

Term: 3 years (renewable)

Responsibilities: Attend only the national ACS meetings that the Councilor cannot attend, expenses paid.

If attending a national meeting as a substitute for the Councilor: Submit receipts to the Treasurer with 3 weeks of attending a meeting so that the Treasurer can reimburse the Councilor and send the reimbursement request to ACS national before the deadline. Represent the local section at the Councilor's caucus and the national ACS Council meetings, voting on issues, electing officers, voting for ACS Presidential candidates, and participating in discussions and feedback to ACS national. Report to the local section executive committee and the membership of the local section on the actions of the ACS council, ACS meeting updates, and ACS committee updates.

Benefits: Expenses are paid for travel to national meetings if the Councilor cannot attend. This position provides opportunity for networking and moving up in the governance of the ACS, including participation on committees, on the ACS council, and running for office in the governance of the ACS.


Term: by appointment, indefinite

Responsibilities: Maintain website. Attend executive committee meetings, events, and local section meetings. Post meeting minutes, Financial Report, Annual Report, Councilor Talking points, and other documents on the website. Post information about current officers and upcoming meetings and events on the website.

Benefits: Pride in a job well done.