Class Descriptions

Tumbling/Floor Gymasntics Classes 

Pre-School Tumbling - Tumbling Skills, Balance, Foot Work, Leaps, Forward Roll, Donkey Kicks, Cartwheel

Kinder Tumbling - Forward/Back Roll, Handstand, Straddle Roll, Cartwheel (straight legs, pointed feet), Balance Beam, Single Bar, Back Bridge, Leaps

Level I Floor Gymnastics - Cartwheel, 1 Arm Cartwheel, Roundoff, Handstand, Standing Bridge, Kickover, Front Walkover, Dive Rolls, Leap, Bar, Balance 

Level II Floor Gymnastics - Level I PLUS Back Walkover, Dive Cartwheel, Handstand Forward Roll

Level III Floor Gymnastics - Level I & II PLUS Back Handspring, Aerial, Front Handspring, Balance Beam Gymnastics, Tucks, Open Stunting

Dance  Classes  

Tap/Ballet - is a combo class designed for our younger students. Students will learn proper ballet technique and vocabulary and tap fundamentals. Creative movement activities are also used to support technical training and vocabulary.

Jazz -  One of the most popular and well known forms of dance. Jazz dance includes strength, flexibility and conditioning technique and progressions including turns, kicks and leaps. In a Jazz class the dancers also learn many fun and trendy dance steps that are used for all forms of dance.

Lyrical - combines elements of ballet and jazz to create a soft style that emphasizes the storytelling quality of music.  An emphasis is placed on grace and fluidity, musicality, and expressiveness to capture emotion through movement. 

Contemporary - This is an expressive dance form that combines elements of lyrical, modern, jazz and ballet to express themes through movement.  An emphasis is placed on fluidity of movement, floor work, directional and rhythmic changes, and control. 

Hip Hop -  is a popular, high energy and fast paced type of dance that emphasizes rhythm, isolations, and self-expression. Dance combinations include unique footwork and arm movements that are often seen in current music videos, but are appropriate for the class age range.

Musical Theater - This class utilizes foundational elements of jazz, ballet, and tap to develop the dancer’s ability to portray characters through music and movement.  Using music from popular Broadway and film musicals, emphasis will be placed on facial-expression, performance, and nuances in musicality and movement that enhance theatrical dance.  

Acro - Students will focus on acrobatic and tumbling moves that will enhance their dance skills and routines. An emphasis will be placed on flexibility, stretch, and balance to increase technique on an individual level. Students will be taught proper technique for landing and supporting one another in partner work.

Pom  - is a dynamic dance style characterized by precise and vigorous arm movements, captivating visuals, and a fusion of dance team and Jazz techniques.