Center for Success for High Needs Schools Professional Development Network

This year's theme for the

Professional Development Network is

"All In? Next Steps"

Are you committed to social justice? Want to learn how leading educators taking action for positive change? Find out at the the Center for Success’s Professional Development Network (PDN).

This network brings new and experienced teachers and leaders together to engage in helpful dialogue and problem solve, to collaborate on embedding new and more effective practices into their instruction, and to innovate new ideas, procedures and policies. The Center’s Professional Development Network (PDN) offers five tracks of learning for effective teachers and leaders and develops learning in each track that is job-embedded and geared to improve teaching and learning in classrooms and schools. We hope you'll join the conversation as we take "next steps" in . . .

“Exploring new pathways” in equity means taking action and leveraging collective strengths to ensure all students have opportunities for success. Every student brings unique assets to the classroom. When we are brave enough to learn and value new perspectives, we open ourselves up to the possibility of growth. Let’s strengthen our classroom and school environments by learning about implicit bias, the Illinois Culturally Relevant Teaching & Learning Standards, the science behind culturally responsive teaching, and paths we can explore to bring about change.

Student Engagement, Teaching & Learning challenges our assumptions about how to design learning experiences that are both rigorous and motivating. The science of learning inspires us to create high impact, experiential, cross-disciplinary practices. Exploring new pathways in which students are co-creators of multi-sensory learning spaces that amplify student voice and autonomy moves us to a “post-worksheet” world.

Exploring powerful new pathways in technology and remote learning means moving beyond Pandemic triage. Now that many educators have mastered online meetings and multiple web 2.0 tools, it’s time to learn how students and teachers can be co-designers of, and in, digital learning environments. It’s also time to balance the online and offline environments, leveraging the sweet spot of technology use in ways that promote not only multi-modal representation of content, but also multiple means of engagement, action and expression.

Highlighted by the challenges of the global, national, and local crises, exploring new pathways in Social and Emotional Learning is more important than ever! Remote learning and safety measures in the physical classroom call for innovative practices to build community in the classroom and help students develop self-awareness, and responsible decision making.

Teaching is a professional exploration that builds teacher leadership and efficacy, including funding work in classrooms, researching work in classrooms, and sharing lessons learned through scholarly writing and presenting. Workshops in grant writing, writing for professional journals, conference proposal writing and presentation skills, refreshers on action research, and collaborative research opportunities are geared for teacher candidates and school personnel, as well as higher education faculty.

The Center is sponsored by:

The Albert Posey Family